You're the quiet one!

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My My! Such a bookworm! ^ ^ I guess that's what makes you cute yeah~? I figured as much~ tee-heeeee~~!! > v

  Back story: you're a natural born bookworm... no one really paid attention to you but it was okay you had you're books to keep you company.

You might be quiet, but when you're not----you're a shy and cute girl with knowledge about the world~ and because of that you became a nice quiet country famous for its books and great planning and success in wars~

You're Friends: Everyone except america, prussia they're not entirely you're enemies its just that

they're not used to quiet people....but they think you're okay..~

Enemies: NONE! you're too cute to have any!

Possible Boyfriends:

England , Japan , Canada , Germany

  Now lets see what they think! Axis


She's-a so cute and a kind! she comes by and trains with us sometimes! she's also very

smart...sometimes she uses big words I can't understand but still she's-a so nice! She offered me some books about Da vinci!


I am very impressed with Lalaina's tactical skills! she's a great strategist! and she also for see's other's mind! she's so skilled...its only sometimes I get to pass by geniuses like her....and plus...she's beautiful too...*ahem*


E-EH?! uhm-- ahhh!! O ///// O ( hehehehe Y SO BLUSHY JAPAN~? ) s-she's so n-nice! she takes time to read manga w-with me!! and when I make sushi for her

she says it tastes rearry g-good!



she's so siilleeennnttt = 3 = But I have to admit she's pretty cute--- And hey, England says she knows----  'The history and influence of the hamburger' so, She's fine just needs to party hard a bit.


SHE'S THE COMBINATION OF SMART, CUTE AND----- *siiigghh*. She's a nice treat for being with a bunch of tawts LIKE SOME COUNTRY america *cough*... w-wait...don't tell me you're recording this--


England: a-anyway s-since you're not *keep rambling good stuff bout you until I feel asleep*


The doux ange? ( sweet angel ) Such a cutie she is but--- I tried to g-grope her but england wouldn't let me! germany also gave me a death stare! not to mention cha-chan having to roundhouse kick me....THE WORLD'S SO UNFAIR SOMETIMES TT 3 TT


SHE'S SO NICE~!!!! she told me the history of Stuffed toys and where I can find them aru! she's so smart! I wonder if I can give her a stuffed toy for all her hard work?


So smart!....maybe if I become one with her she'll warm up to me and tell me other's secret da? Maybe she could help me some invasion plans as well?

( = n = iiiim not gonna let that happen... )

Killjoy cha-chan > 3 <

And the others?

Hungary: hmmm she's so cute yet so quiet I often see her and austria talking music~ my are they so smart~ especially when it comes to music~


Ah yes~ she knows a lot about Beethoven and bach I find her truly smart..

She doesn't know how to play the piano....but still she looks like she's worthy of being taught how to

*ramble's on*


So BORING!!! TOTALLY UN-AWESOME...but she is smart...and 50/50! KAHAHAHAH

//slapped by hungary and me


ah! si! si!Lalaina's really smart! ^ ^ hehehehe I wonder

if she can teach me the history of churros and flowers~ Such a linda chica ( cute girl )


she's okay I guess = 3 = my stupido brother italy tells me lots of things about her...her and her being smart and what not And she's told me to calm down several times which..uhh...I kinda listened to..



S-SHE NOTICED ME! SHE EVEN SAYS IM CUTE!! w-we read together...m-m-maybe i'll be able

t-to ask her out on a d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d ( OUT WITH IT!!! )

date. >///////<  


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