The Baby Bat

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11. The Baby Bat

Spooky kids, Kindergoths, Mansonites, Mallgoths...these pre-teen or early-teen types are known by many names, most of which are derogatory. They are often regarded with scorn and contempt by older members of the Goth community. Their crimes? Generally, not being old enough to remember the 80s, not being rich enough to afford a “proper Goth” wardrobe, and not being wise enough to know the “right” music to listen to or the “right” amount of make-up to wear.

It is true that, while Baby Bats often consider themselves “Goth,” they show quite a number of differences from members of the original scene; they tend to show a preference for metal (Marylin Manson and HIM being typical “Baby Bat” music), wear clothes that reflect metal/skater fashion, and tend to go for a “shocking” rather than “aesthetic” appearance.

As the older Goths are painfully aware, the media also considers these kids to be “Goth.” While this can be annoying for Goths who do not want to be associated with the Baby Bats (particularly the ones who are in it for shock value), one must remember that it was the media in the first place who popularised the term “Goth” to decribe the original music scene. So how we define what is and what is not Goth is very difficult these days.

Very frequently, Baby Bats will start to grow more “sophisticated” in their clothes and music tastes, and become some of the most passionate members of the Goth community. For this reason too, they are to be respected, not shunned.

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