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I go to a spanish school and I was studying for a science exam and I asked my mom to ask me the questions and I would answer them so she did. We got to one stage were she asked me "¿de donde procede el carbon?" Witch means "were does carbon come from?" And "carbon" in Spanish is very similar to an insult witch is "cabron" witch means "dick head" so she was reading this question out to me and lets say she isn't very good with hard words, she could definitely hold a conversation in spanish but some words are hard even for me and I'm fluent in spanish. So she read out "were does dick head come from?" And she looked at me with a shoked head and I said "what?!" I looked and said "that said carbon not cabron" "well it sounds very much like dick head to me" she answered I just ignored her and asnwered the original question


Hi, I just want to let you know that me and aby swear a bit... and dirty language so if you dont like that, I'm very sorry but thats how we are. Or just ignore it

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