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I had just finished P.E and got my bottle of water to drink some. I took a sip and made a disgusted face. My friend asked what was wrong and I answered "my water taste like tap water, try it" giving her my bottle she drank some and said "this taste like normal water to me" giving it back to me "it must be me then" I went home and my mom greeted me with a glass of water I drank some and it also tasted like tap water "mom, taste this, does it taste like tap water?" I said giving her the glass, she tasted it and said "no". My brother walked in and I asked him to taste it and he said "it taste normal to me" "must be me then" I answered my dad was cooking lunch and I also asked him to taste it, he said it tasted normal and again I answered "it must be me then, I'm going to go read" heading towards my bedroom


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