it didn't hurt

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Me and aby went down to the garage to ride my skateboard, it was all fine and nobody fell... Ok aby tripped a couple of times but nobody hurt themselves... Until i decided i wanted to make a video for snapchat.
It was my turn to go down this hill and it went well till i was 3/4 down, i tripped and opened up my hand. I picked up my phone has fast as i could to see if it was ok (it was fine, just a scratch on the back) and aby came running towards me asking if i was ok laughing (i was laughing at myself too) i said i was fine and got up...
"Zara..." She said getting my attention
"Yeah?" I answered back
"You have blood dripping from your hand!" She said pointing towards my left hand
I looked and she was right... I had a massive cut on the palm of my hand pouring blood
"Ups.... Eh never mind" i said not giving it a lot of attention
"No, you need to clean it or it.will get infected" she said all mother like
"Fiiiine ill tell my mom it's ketchup! See if she believes it!" I said running towards the door


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