flaming doors

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I have a thing with doors... I don't know! They just seem to hate me haha anyway this was ages ago, remember these small rubber bands you used to make bracelets with? They were called loom bands or something like that... Well... My gran got me this box thing with all different compartments in it so I could separate all the different colours. It took me 2 hours to sort it out. I came out of my room (the door was open at this time!) And went into the kitchen that's right next door to my room to show my dad. He said what he said and has I turned to go back into my room, I hadn't noticed someone had shut my door... And you all know what happened... I walked into it and all ALL of the bands went all over the floor...in all it took me 5 hours including the first two... OK it was 4 hours and 50 minutes ish but its the same thing! XD


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