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Zara and me where playing with our phones and someone knock the door so I went out and I open the door. Nobody was there. I went to zara's room and I started playing games again. Th door knock again. "Did you hear the door?" I asked him. "Ujum" The door knock again like 6 or 7 times so I get anger and I open the door. Nothing. I went to the room and I look at Zara. "I'm not crazy, well, no at all. But I'm hearing the door" I put a joker's smile and asked her "You Know what that means?" I put a weird face. Zara looked at me and said a "Nope" " They are coming to get me! " I yelled. "What? Who?!" "SHADOWHUNTERS..." I put a worried face, I faster get up from the bed and I shouted " I'M COMING JACE, I'M COMING FOR YOU, TELL MAGNUS I LOVE HIM!" "Wait, but why I can't see them?" Zara asked with a weird face like "you're fucking crazy and I'm a diva" "Ew, stupid mundane, runes, baby, runes."

Yeeeeey it's finally meee! Wohooooo😳

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