ice my hair

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It was Abys birthday so she invited me, her friend Vanessa and her other friend Cecilia to the cinema and McDonald's... Me Vanessa and Cecilia had an ice cream and Aby had something similar to a milkshake (I don't actually know what it was) anyway, we were talking about something (I can't remember exactly) and I called aby short, so she filled her spoon with her milkshake/ice cream n thru it at me... It went all over my hair, trousers, shirt and the wall that was behind me... I loved the smell for about an hour (of cause, who doesn't like the smell of ice cream?!) But then my hair felt weird and it smelt really off

... I HATE YOU I LOVE YOU I HATE THAT I LOVE YOU!!!! (Its a song that's being stuck in my head for about 2 days now)


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