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Delirious hasn't been posting with vanoss as much. Idk they used to post a lot together but now it's only a few videos once on a while but anyway enjoy.

These are moments from a video on Cartoonz' channel titled 'H1Z1-Co-op moments w/H2ODelirious & Vanoss (Explosive Diarrhea) and happens at 6:30 and 6:48.

First moment
Vanoss~Im right here I have my hands up.
Delirious~Woah I think that's you.
Delirious~Oh that's a zombie. *laughs* It got my hopes up I thought it was him. 
Idk I just thought this was cute.

Second moment
Vanoss~Oh wait I think I see someone.
Delirious~Is that you?
*Finds each other
Delirious~Vanoss!!!! Hey want are you doing?!¿
Vanoss~Idk man, I woke up and I was in this weird world and then I heard your voice so I followed it.
*Changes subject

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