training with teddy bear

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Theo's (teddy bear) POV

*contains sexual content*

"come on, baby" I say as I pick Vivian up bridal style and carry her to the playroom. I sit her in the big spinny chair and ask her similar questions to the ones will asked her. now you're all thinking you shouldn't fuck her, she's not yours. I'm not. she's going to use the machines, but I am still going to be right there for her, and help guide her.

I do bondage, so she will be tied up, she may be flogged once or twice, you know, the bondage type thing. "go stand over there" I point in the direction I want her to go and she does as told. I place a blindfold over her eyes and get behind her and start kissing her jawline working my way down.

when I get past her beautiful double D's, I ask "what's your lucky number, baby?" "seventeen, why?" she says with a smirk

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when I get past her beautiful double D's, I ask "what's your lucky number, baby?" "seventeen, why?" she says with a smirk. "that's how many times you're going to cum for me. at the least." I say with a smirk, and take off her panties as she whimpers. she was kind of forcing her legs closed. I've seen babygirls do that, normally it's one of three things :

• she's nervous
•she's not ready to have sex, whether she's a virgin or she just met you.
•she's embarrassed by the way she looks

"baby?" I ask not looking up from her beautiful body. "yes, sir?" she asks looking down. "what's wrong?" I ask. she rubs her thighs together and closes her legs even tighter. "u-uh, umm, I--" is all she got out before I shushed her. I knew she was embarrassed by her appearance. she wasn't the typical stick thin girl. she had thick thighs, a nice ass and wore a double D. I honestly thought she was amazing, because her body was real, none of it was fake, and she was beyond gorgeous.
but I played it off real smooth, like I didn't notice. "I thought I heard something... oh well." I say changing the subject so she wouldn't freak out. she lets out a small giggle as I stand up and I grab a flogger.

I swing it back and forth not hitting her, but letting her feel the breeze. she somewhat flinches as I go a little bit faster. "does that make you nervous?" I ask still swinging the flogger back and forth. "a little bit" she says timidly. "it's okay, princess, you're doing great" I say. then whack! I hit her with it to see her reaction was a light moan. "did that hurt?" I ask. "n-no.... it felt good" she says. "that's great" I say. I flog her a few more times and then we get into the fun part. bondage.

I kept her standing up, but put a collar and chain around her neck (not to where it was choking her). "are you strong?" I ask knowing that she really is. "umm, I think so?" she says kind of unsure. "of course you are" I scoff "now, hold your arms out like you're flying" I add. "okay" she says as she puts her arms out. "alright, now bend your arms but keep them out" I say and she does so. "good girl" I say, praising her for doing exactly as she's told. I forgot I had put the blindfold over her eyes, so I ask, "do wanna see me, princess?" "yes, sir, I'd be happy to see you" she coos with a smile. I slowly take the blindfold off of her to see her beautiful eyes. not breaking eye contact I take the time to tell her how beautiful and what a great girl she is. all she could do was smile and say thank you. I think I made her night. anyways, so I put a huge round serving tray in each of her hands and told her to relax. I got a vibrator and put it on a microphone stand and put it in between her legs to where the vibrator was perfectly on her clit and turn it on to a medium speed. "anything I put on these trays should not be dropped, if it is, we start over if you cum without permission, we start over and go longer, do you understand?" I whisper in her ear. "yes, sir, u-um how long do I have to go without cumming or dropping stuff?" she asks. I could tell she was hoping it wouldn't be too long, but oh well, let's see if she knows how to use her words and tell me that she has to cum. I stop and stare at her gorgeous body for moment knowing she was already feeling the sensation and realizing that I am basically adding on more time and say "five minutes." carelessly. "oh, five minutes?" she moans blissfully. I start looking for stuff I can put on the trays and find an ink pen and a glass, then I just think of ways to pass the time, then bingo! "wanna hear a story about me in college, princess?" I ask. "sure" she says with a smile. "well, it was my birthday, and I was expecting my former wife, she was my girlfriend at the time, to tell me happy birthday. well, that didn't happen. so on my way to work my mom calls me and doesn't say happy birthday either, so I get to work and not one of my co-workers tell me happy birthday. so my wife calls and tells me that I need to come home immediately. when I get there she says happy birthday and tells me that she she has something for me so she goes into our room and closes the door. and then she comes out with a cake, my parents, her parents, and a few of my co-workers. and I'm sitting on the couch naked." I tell her. Then Vivian just dies of laughter. "okay, okay, it wasn't that funny... haha" I say with a bit of sarcasm in my voice. she was still dying of laughter, "you have til the count of three to stop laughing and wipe that pretty smile off your face" I say with a very stern daddy voice as I grab a paddle. she tries to stop her giggles but couldn't help it.

Will's Little PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora