i hope you feel better

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Will's POV

"Babygirl?" I say as I knock on Vivian's door. I open the door to see that she's still in bed, fast asleep. I go up to the foot of her bed and pat her butt a few times. She moves her feet a little and let's out a deep breath. I figured something was wrong because she normally grunts or makes some kind of peevish sound. I quietly walk to the head of her bed and she's still asleep. "It's time to wake up, pumpkin" I say peeling the covers off of her, She rolled over to face me and honestly didn't look too good, she looked kinda sick. "Oh, come to daddy, sweetheart." I say with my arms out. As soon as she was in my arms, I put a hand on her forehead. "You're burning up, princess. Let me check your temperature." I say going into her bathroom and grabbing a thermometer. I took her onesie off and put the thermometer up under her arm and waited a moment for it to beep. "damn, 103" I whispered to myself. "babygirl, wanna come to work with daddy?" I ask her. "sure" vivi says. I'm not going to take her to the doctor just yet, but if she doesn't feel better by tomorrow then I will take her. I'm taking her to work with me one because Theo is out of town and two because I really want to keep a close eye on her and make sure that she's okay. I put Vivian in the bathtub for just a few minutes and then I put her in some shorts and a sweatshirt and grabbed a pillow and blanket for her.

*15 minute drive to work*

"Come on, pumpkin" I say as I unbuckle Vivian's seatbelt and pick her up. She was half asleep wrapped up in a blanket. I grab her pillow and take her inside. I am greeted by my co-workers as I walk in, "good morning, Mr. Gallagher" "how's it going, will?" "Good morning" I say in return. I get in the elevator with Vivian still in my arms. We get to my office and I sit Vivi down in my La-Z-boy recliner in the corner of my office. "Are you comfy, mama?" I ask as I put the blanket over
her and place the pillow behind her head. "mmhmm" she nods. I walk to my desk and start getting papers ready the meetings I have today. I look over at Vivian to see that she's already fast asleep, she's so beautiful, i hope she feels better soon.

A few minutes later my first meeting started. About thirty-five minutes into talking about sales and new locations, I see Vivian tossing and turning out the corner of my eye. I was trying to stay focused on my work, but I just couldn't. Luckily, Travis, the guy talking, was slowly wrapping up. Still trying to hang in there, I see Vivian kick her blanket off her and she whimpered quietly and briefly only to where I could hear it. I think she has a tummy ache. Not too long after, Travis was done, and everyone started packing up and leaving. I waited until everyone left and I shut the door behind them. "baby?" I say rubbing Vivian's back trying to wake her up. After a moment or two she rolled over to face me and opened her eyes the best she could. "Are you alright?" I ask. "My tummy hurts " she whispers. "Awww...Can I get you anything?" I ask, willing to do anything to make her feel better. "No thank you" she says . There's a moment of silence while I put the blanket back over her."Look what I got" I said squatting down,reaching into my jacket pocket and pulling out her paci. She smiled and  opened her mouth for me to put her pacifier in. "Thank you" she says with a smile and lays back down. I smile back and go sit back down. I have a few more meetings and then I will take Vivian home.

Towards the middle of my last meeting, Vivian got up and sat right in my lap. I kiss the top of her head and slowly start rocking her back and forth. "We're almost finished,babygirl" I whisper in her ear. I love how my coworkers know exactly how I feel about Vivian and didn't seem disturbed or distracted by her.  The meeting ended about half an hour later and everyone said their goodbyes. Vivian sat in the big comfy chair at my desk, wrapped up in her blanket while I packed up.

When we got home I checked Vivi's temperature, which it was still pretty high but it was going down. I changed out of my suit and put on some grey sweatpants. I went downstairs and started making Vivian some homemade chicken noodle soup. I had finally finished and sat Vivi down at the table and tried to feed her but she wouldn't eat. "NO! I DON'T WANT IT, IM NOT HUNGRY! " she screamed turning her head when I put the spoon to her mouth.  "princess-- I'd start but she'd try to walk away. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back over to me. And every time she struggled to get out of my arms. "Hey, look at me, you need to eat something, babygirl. You know I won't let you go on without eating--" "BUT DADDY--" she interrupted starting to pitch a fit before I cut her off. "one more 'but' and whose am I going to spank? Now, can I please finish what I was saying ?"  I said sternly as Vivian went back to her normal calm and quiet self. "I'm so sorry" she said softly. "It's okay, baby" I said as I pulled her into my lap and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "If  you eat at least half of your soup, it'll make daddy really happy" I whisper and kiss her temple. "Okay" she says getting out of my lap and sitting down in her chair and starting to eat.  A few minutes later she says "I'm finished, daddy" showing me an empty bowl. "Good girl" I say giving her praise for doing what I asked her to do. "I'm feeling a lot better too" she said with a smile. "That's great, babygirl" I say smiling back. "Are you ready for bed?" I ask. "Yes sir"she says making grabby hands at me so I can pick her up and put her in bed. I wash her face and brush her teeth and put her in some pajamas. "Good night, beautiful " I say tucking her in and walking out the door. "WAIT! Don't go" Vivian whimpers.  "What is it, baby?" I coo as I open the door. "Come lay with me" she says. I walk over and and lie down on next to her. She rolls on top of me and rests her head on my chest. "I love you, daddy" she whispers. "I love you too, mama" I whisper back and kiss her forehead. A few minutes later we both fall asleep.

Sorry it's been so long y'all... I didn't know what to write about. Hit me up with ideas please! ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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