Welcome : To All Of The People Reading This.

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"i. they tell me they
cannot understand art.
where art is,
whispers reside.

ii. i tell them that the only art
i require are the words that
bleed onto paper.

iii. the world is a quiet place
for an angel without a voice.

iv. the world is a loud place
when nobody is listening.

v. they tell me it doesn't work like that.
there are compromises for art.
sports. science. history.

vi. but i want to speak.
there are moments that fleet away
when i do not store them.
there are impulses that dab off
when i do not write.

vii. when i am alive, i burst
open with Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson.
my hair fluffs with words.
my veins cry with poetry.

viii. welcome to my poetry book.
i hope you drown in the words you sink in."

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