Purple (6) : on growing up and of sleepy summer afternoons

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i. it is a sleepy summer afternoon. i am four. I am playing outside when mama calls out to me. sleep, she says. i don't like sleeping. i'd much rather play. mama tucks me in.

ii. it is a sleepy summer afternoon. i am nine. i am a big girl now. i will not sleep. father cuts up mangoes in the balcony. i stay awake in the hot air heavy with mango scent and family music.

iii. it is a sleepy summer afternoon. i am thirteen. i want to sleep, but i have homework to do. Mom brings me a lemonade to help me.

iv. it is a sleepy summer afternoon. i am seventeen. my parents are sleeping. i tiptoe into their room and increase the intensity of the fan. it is my last summer at home.

v. it is a sleepy summer afternoon. i am twenty. my apartment seems empty in the midst of all the furniture. I want to be tucked in, but instead, i go to work.

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