Purple (3) : society's magical humane jugdement.

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"i. maybe I can't sail smooth and you can't wreck anything and they're seeing everyone with tainted glasses - I don't care because no matter how much sunlight we drink and how much starlight we bathe in, we'll never shine in thier eyes because their eyes are dull -

ii. but that doesn't stop us from pulling them in front of us and dancing in the noise they make, calling it music, does it?

iii. when everyone wakes up drowning in the dawn, they'll play with dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin-

iv. because that's what love is, isn't it? chemicals in a lab, stolen glances, giggling stars on a starshine evening -

v. but those chemicals also cause paranoia, schizophrenia, and insanity in large doses - do we even care about that?

vi. we don't, we don't, we don't, because if we did we wouldn't dare to love, and no matter what happens we'll never give up on love, because that's who humans are - lovestuck hummingbirds, enchanted hearts.

vii. we make wishes out of meteor hits and metaphors out of broken memories -

viii. because for some reason, society is people is the end."

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