Purple (7) : on fairies and goddesses and angels and HUMANS

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i. this one time I was sitting in a park in the sun with my feet touching the grass. a butterfly flew above me and landed in my friend's palm. my hair was let loose and our minds were bright. I felt like a FAIRY, so I felt beautiful.

ii. this one time I was lying in my bedroom with a piece of paper in my hands and a story in my mind. I poured words onto the paper and thoughts into the ink. I was a creator, and I felt like a GODDESS, so I felt powerful.

iii. this one time I was walking with my classmates on the road when we were well and alive and living, so there was a spring in our step and brightness in our hearts. on of my friends tripped and I helped her up and cared for her bruises. I felt like an ANGEL, so I felt amazing.

iv. [ I'm still waiting for the day I feel amazing and powerful and beautiful in my skin as a HUMAN.]

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