White (5) : society on its own two legs

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Humanity may be doomed and we might have doomed it but all of these..people and humans came here without a blueprint and they're just so wonderful and wonderous and they've learnt how to survive so goddamn beautifully. They made mistakes. We made mistakes. We made mistakes, but we made inventions. Beautiful things. Beautiful lives. We doomed ourselves because we didn't know how to survive.

No person is born thinking they want to be a terrorist. No toddler thinks she's going to murder seven people over the course of her lifetime. No child grows up wanting to mess up the world. Five year olds with twenty more trips around the sun who just don't know how to adult good.

There are mistakes and there are repeated mistakes and there are mistakes accidentally and there are mistake on purpose based on greed and love and maybe lust and regret but at the end of the day we are just simple and beautiful little humans who just want to be acknowledged and nice and contributing and useful and loved.

And people do try, okay. They face their own problems as much they face the united worlds, and.. they just. They try and fail sometimes, but it's okay.

The people who blame society is society themselves.

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