Purple (9) : for when the sadness knocks on your soul.

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i. when the sadness comes, it doesn't come in normal amounts. it comes as a wave, a high tide soaking me from head to toe, a repeated punch to my solar plexus, a vine growing inside me taking all my veins and brain stems for support. and it only grows from there.

ii. when the sadness comes, it takes over my entire body and soul. it starts in my chest first. physical pain that makes me feel like my lungs are filled with mercuric poison and my head with radio cure. my pulse resonates in my ears with my numbness amplified. it gets harder to breathe. I go to sleep with mesh in my mind and wake up with my heart in my mouth. the air surrounding me becomes a sticky glue. i try hard to scrub it off.

iii. when the sadness comes, it drops in my gut. stones of guilt making its way to the pit of my stomach. it empties out my appetite first. then my happiness. then all emotion. when i knock on my own bones, I find myself hollow. i find inability stitched into the depths of me. i find failure printed on the inside of my skull. it washes away the remains of me.

iv. when the sadness comes, it plants mini grenades all over my soul. i carry bombs filled with tear gas beneath my eyelids. my heartbeat becomes a countdown to my explosion. it settles million pound rocks on my shoulder blades. tears away my wings. pours permanent glue in my mouth. grows poison ivy in my heart.

v. when the sadness comes, it claims the entirety of me.

vi. when the sadness comes, it stays.


{aye its your local girl phoenix bringing you your daily dose of sadness to ruin yer day

p.s it took me 7 attempts and 3 rewrites and 2 days (refer to pg.732, inability due to sadness) but i think i've finally done some justice to this poem eh}

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