27. Marshmallows

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Andrew P.o.v

We reached our camping location after 3 hrs of travel. Our campsite was nearby the lake. The smell of damp leaves, a splash of water from the stream, cascades over tiny waterfalls, fungus on rotting tree stumps, rustle of roosting birds, the wind stirs trees, twigs snapping, curious sounds, eerie noises, an owl hoot, hush, whispering trees, ferns like green fountains, the crunch of dried bracken underfoot, woodland clearing with purple spikes of Fireweed. I could see that we were in the woods. It was oddly quiet. We didn't hear any vehicle horns and we didn't beath the normally polluted air anymore.

Everyone was busy setting up the camp. It was getting slightly dark and chilly. The campfire was lit already.

The sound of a lite wind whistled through the trees above, with crunching leaves under my feet. My back had a drip of sweat trickling down the middle just under my backpack as I come around the bend in the trail to my campsite. I smelt the odour of an old campfire as I dropped my pack next to it and stretched a little. I looked up towards the sky to see how much daylight was left and the sun was just cresting down behind the trees as the lights sparkled through the branches.

I grabbed a few sticks of wood for the fire and threw them in the fire pit.

I saw June and Becky were trying to build a tent. It was funny actually. They were struggling heard. June was instructing Becky by looking at some video from youtube I guessed.

Lay the tarp down before putting up the tent! June said.

Becky did the same.

Now.. Connect the tent poles and then Insert tent poles into the corresponding flaps in the tent. She instructed.

Alright. Done! Becky replied.

Okay.. Now raise the tent slowly and stake it to the ground. June said.

Kay! I ll try! Becky said.

I was observing them for a few minutes. But the tent fell down. They both looked miserable.

What are we gonna do? Becky asked exhausted.

I don't know! June said wearily.

I decided to help them so I started walking towards them. But I was interrupted by some unknown voice.

Andrew? called a voice.

I turned back to find Kelly. She was batting her eyelashes in a flirtatious way.

Yea!? I asked.

I need some help with my tent! Can you help? she asked looking serious.

I turned towards June. I found her trying to fix the tent.

It's just a matter of 5 mins work. I'll help Kelly and then get back to June I thought.

Um..kay! I said smiling faintly.

Great! Follow me! She said and pulled me towards her tent.

Her tent was a total mess. It took me 15 proper minutes to fix it. I did fix her tent successfully.

Oh my god! It looks amazing..thanks a lot! She said with excitement.

Uh..sure! Alright, I gotta get back now! I said smiling.

Kay! See you later! She said.

I walked towards June's tent only to see Jason and June laughing and talking about something. And her tent was fixed. There was no sign of Becky. There were few students nearby who were helping to light up the place.

The sight of June and Jason made my blood boil. I pulled out my phone and called her.


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