45.Chorophobia - The Fear of dancing

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June P.o.v

I woke up after a long nap. I got up and stretched my arms lazily and that's when I finally decided to get out my bed, Suddenly my eyes landed on the chair that was nearby my bed like always but the only difference between always and now was that now I saw the cutest thing ever. Andrew Mitchell was sleeping on that chair. He was not like his usual self he was looking adorable. My lips curved itself into a smile when I looked at him. I was watching him closely. I noticed there was something on his face, ah..an eyelash. I leaned closer to him to take it. As I was about to take it. I heard a click on my door, I was startled by it suddenly. I lost my balance and I was about to fall down. That's when his arms got me and made me get a grip on myself. I was watching him closely. No one would believe if someone said he just woke up from sleep because he looked so perfect. His eyes were shining like the stars on the dark sky. His gaze was like lightning. His grip on me was as strong as iron. And his effect on me was magnetic.

Oh god, what am I thinking? Okay, now he is just staring!

June, what are..what are you doing? He asked raising an eyebrow.

Uh..no it's not what you think! I said suddenly embarrassed. My cheeks turned tomato red in split seconds.

What am I thinking? He asked with a smirk.

Oh, you know what you are thinking, or else there wouldn't be that annoying smirk on you face!

Uh..eye lash! I replied instantly.

Wh..What? He looked confused.

I leaned closer and took it from his face and his gaze was still stuck to me like super glue.

There! I said and placed it on his palm.

Oh! He looked amused now.

How do you feel now? He said and placed his hand on my forehead to see if I was still burning up.

I was watching him awestruck.

I feel fine! I said as I met his deep ocean blue eyes.

Click click.. more sound came from the door

God..why isn't this thing opening? I heard Becky.

Try harder! I guess I heard Liam.

I am.. Ah finally! She said and opened the door.

Her jaw dropped when she saw me with Andrew.

Hey guys! I greeted them both.

Uh.June. Hi! How are you feeling now? Becky asked looking concerned.

I am good! I replied with a smile.

Andrew's eyes met mine for a second there.

I thought you said you had a family emergency?!? She asked pointing at Andrew.

I did and now everything is fine! Andrew said casually.

What are you doing here? She asked crossing her arms.

I don't have to answer you! He replied cooly.

Oh yes..you do! This is a girls hostel! She said with an evil grin.

Well..you did bring Liam with you! He said with his signature smirk.

That is... not. She started.

Becky.. why don't you just give me the 50 bucks that you owe me! Liam smirked.

Wait. What's going on!?! I asked looking confused.

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