#3- You Come Home Late/ Are Late and He Gets Worried

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Harry: Harry was sick; he had a horrible flu and could barely move himself out from bed. You sat on the edge of the bed beside him feeding him the vegetable soup you made and listening to his whining. “I feel horrible,” he said in a whisper and his voice was very husky and low, you felt really bad for him. “Babe just one more sip and I will bring you the medicine” you said and brought the spoon towards his swollen pink lips. He smiled and kissed the back of your hand, “thank you kitten”. You shook your head at his cheekiness and got up to bring his medicine, you went to the little table in the living room where it was placed but soon you noticed that it was empty. “Harry babe we don’t have more of the medicine you need, I will run to the drugstore and buy you some more,” you said while you pulled your hair into a messy bun and took your jacket from the hanger. You run fast the nearest drugstore and headed in. While you looked around for the medicine you heard someone call your name. “(Y/N) is that you, (Y/N)?” the voice became clearer. You turned around and saw your old childhood friend. “Oh my God, it’s you” you almost screamed and hugged her tight while both of you talked about everything. About how she moved to London and so on, you forgot the time completely. After you said your goodbyes and you started to go home with Harry’s medicine, you noticed that it was almost dark outside and you wanted to check on the time but couldn’t find your phone in your pockets. When you were finally home and opened the door, you saw a very worried Harry on the couch. One hand holding his phone while the other one held the home phone. He was practically calling everyone he knew. He almost jumped from the couch and hugged you tight, you was about to faint. “(Y/N) where the bloody heck where you?! I almost called the police,” he yelled. “Babe, calm down. I’m sorry I saw an old friend and forgot the time and my phone at home. Sorry babe” you said and felt really bad because he was so sick and worried. “Please don’t do that again I almost started crying like a baby, I love you” “You must have been a really cute baby and I love you too. So much” you said with a chuckle. “Now my little baby it’s time for your medicine” you walked to the kitchen to get him a spoon.

Louis: Standing beside a cop he tried to look after your familiar tall figure, just notice a piece of your cream colored floral dress but he couldn’t. He was worried; he was really worried and nervous. You and Louis were on a date and he took you to a carnival near your shared apartment. Everything was perfect; both of you laughed at silly jokes, played games, rode on every ride you saw and made out behind the circus tent until you said that you wanted to visit the bathroom and told him to wait for you outside. He agreed and stood behind the fairy wheel waiting for you. After a long time and after checking all the bathrooms you were gone, he couldn’t find you. He was worried that something bad happened to you and he couldn’t be there to save you. Louis run around, pushing past happy couples and crying children looking for you. After what seemed like forever he found you standing on a line to get some cotton candy. “(Y/N) where were you?! I have been looking for you for ages! Babe, are you okay?!” He said loudly while hugging you tight and close. Everyone turned around and looked at you, they just smiled and turned back till what they were doing. “Louis babe I’m perfectly fine. I just wanted to surprise you and get you your favorite candy but the line was too long” you said calmly and looked up at his beautiful but worried ice blue eyes while mouthing a “sorry”. He just laughed at your cuteness and couldn’t resist your puppy eyes. “It’s okay babe, but please no more surprises” he joked and gave you a sweet peck while he held you close to him by your waist not letting you disappear again.

Liam: You and Liam were out grocery shopping and it was so much fun, you run around with your almost full shopping cart, pulling silly faces at each other and just having a good time since Liam is finally back from the Take Me Home tour. You stood in front of the crisp aisle, having a hard time choosing between the many choices you had; you were very concentrated looking around when you felt two strong familiar arms hugging you tight from behind. “The salt and vinegar one, babe” he said quietly and placed a tiny sweet peck to the back of your neck. You just smiled widely and turned around pulling him by his collar into a long kiss; he placed his hands on your hips pulling you closer to his chest while your hands locked around his neck. “Are we done here darling?” He whispered on your lips while you nodded slightly. “Good because I have something fun we can do at home” he said and flashed a cheeky smirk as he took your hand. You blushed like crazy and tried to hide your rosy cheeks behind your hair that was beautifully falling down your shoulders. You sucked on your bottom lip trying to hide the stupid smile you had but failed of course. As you walked to the cashier, holding hands and chatting about random things you saw someone who caught your eye. As you walked past the old man, you turned around to get a better look. Suddenly you recognized the person, it was your old high school teacher you haven’t seen in ages and since he was the coolest teacher ever you had to say hello. “Liam, that man is my old high school teacher. I have to go and say hi” you said excited as your eyes traced the man afraid of loosing sight of him. “No problem baby, I will wait in the car” he said and pecked your lips. You rushed to the old man who was trying to choose among the many ice cream flavors. “Mr. Green, is that you?” you asked with a big smile and the man turned around smiling widely and trying to recognize your face. “(Y/N)?” he asked and you nodded. “By the way, the Oreo flavor is the best” you said after your small chat and hurried back to Liam with a big smile on your face. But when you tried to look after your black car in the big parking you couldn’t find it. You walked around for some minutes until you felt your phone buzz in your back pocket. “Babe where are you? Are you all right? Baby I-” Liam said worried through the phone asking a million questions. “Liam, babe I’m alright. I just can’t find the car, where are you?” You asked and spotted your car some meters away with a worried Liam. “I found it”.

Niall: “Fine Niall you won, I will get you Nandos” you said pulling your hands up in the air laughing because Niall’s face was priceless of happiness. You lost at FIFA and Niall’s price was Nandos and kisses from you, that boy couldn’t get enough from your pretty lips and from his favorite restaurant. You leaned and gave him a kiss but he held you by your waist and didn’t let you go. “Babe don’t you want Nandos?” You asked with a smirk and his eyes got wide while he nodded eagerly. “I thought so” you smiled and the last thing you heard him say before closing the door was “I love that girl so much”. The restaurant was very close to your shared apartment so you just walked a little bit but when you were in front of the big glass doors you noticed a yellow big note which said CLOSED in big black letters. You sighted and were about to turn around and head back to Niall when you felt bad for him. He was without any doubt hungry and you hadn’t the heart to just go back with empty hands. So you decided to head to the other Nandos which is a bit further from your apartment but you hadn’t any other choice. Since you left your car at home you decide to walk. After about an hour you bought the meal and headed back to your hungry boyfriend, as you started to look for your keys in your purse you heard someone open the door in front of you; a very worried Niall. His cheeks were flushed and messy hair tucked lazily into one of his snapbacks. His blue big orb lit with happiness as he saw you. “Princess” he almost screamed and opened his arms to greet you with one of his famous cozy Horan hugs. “I know, I know” you mumbled into his warm chest. He was about to go out and look after you but thanks God that he found you outside. After a lot of kisses and hugs, you sat by the table and started to eat. You explained everything to him; he just listened to you with a smile. “I love you babe you know that right? But please the next time take your phone with you” he chuckled.

Zayn: It all started with insulting words, harsh voices and angry teary eyes. You and Zayn had another fight and this time it was about something stupid but you couldn’t hold your anger anymore. “Zayn, I just wanted one thing from you. Clean the dishes! And I come home finding you sleeping, why are you so lazy!” You screamed on top of your lungs not caring that your little daughter could appear at the door at any minute. You throw your hands up in the air, face red from anger. “Don’t you dare say that I’m lazy! I go out every fucking day, work my ass off to get our living,” he screamed back but you just frowned. “I work too you know and I have to deal with your travelling every time. Do you know how hard it is for me to see our daughter cry to sleep every time she misses you? Do you know that feeling?” You said in almost a whisper, tears started to form in your eyes. You couldn’t stand him more so you just ran to the door, went out and slammed it hard not bothering to look back. You needed some time alone, to just think about your relationship with your husband Zayn and if it could work. You loved him, you loved him so much but the past few months have been a nightmare. Every time your daughter left for school, you would argue about the smallest things and it was ridiculous but none of you wanted to admit it. With your hands tucked into your jeans pockets you walked around thinking. It was a little bit cold; you shivered lightly and spotted a bench some meters away from you. You sat down and it felt like ages, thoughts flew in your mind and you felt hurt, sad and unsafe. You wanted to be held by Zayn’s strong arms and hear his soft, beautiful voice again. You couldn’t let your family slip out of your hands that easy, instead of crying over something stupid you pulled yourself together and started heading towards your shared house ready to face him. As soon as you reached the house you saw a very familiar tall figure walking before you, head low and hands tucked in his black jeans. It was Zayn, you run up to him and hugged him tight from behind. He reacted fast, turned around and hugged you back. “(Y/N), babe I was sick worried about you! Where were you? I was looking for you everywhere!” he said loudly, voice sad and worried. “I’m sorry Zayn, I love you,” you said between sobs and he stopped you immediately. “No baby, I’m sorry. I was just a jerk towards you. I know you work really hard every day, I’m sorry. I love you” he said and tried to crash a smile. You slammed your lips hard against his and smiled into the kiss. How could you live without him?

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