#37- Home Births

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Liam: “Are you sure you want to do this here?” he asked, voice bit shaking, when he saw your painful, shaken expression. “Liam for the thousandth time, I’m absolutely sure about this,” you hissed, clutching his hand, looking his brown eyes. “Yes, but..,” he started, but this time your midwife stepped in. “Liam it’s completely normal. It’s actually as safe to have baby at home, maybe even safer,” she smiles, knowing how worried husbands could become. “Okay, okay,” he breathes, lying next to you to your bed, hand resting on your swollen belly while he rubbed it lightly every time another contraction burst through you. “I just feel like best things have happened in here, in our house, and I want this to be one of those,” you breathed, removing sweaty hair off your face. Liam smiled at you, kissing you gently, nodding his head. “I love you baby, I’m so proud of you,” he cooed, whipping your forehead with his cold hand. “Oh god,” you grunted, feeling how another pain ripped through you. “I think this might be it, are you ready to become mom and dad,” your midwife smiled, helping your legs open, signaling Liam to help him. “More than anything,” Liam breathed happily, kissing your pained face with such care and passion you couldn’t think anything but the family you’d soon have with the love of your life.

Harry: “Breathe, breathe, breathe,” he coaxed, making you huff an air to his face. “Shut it Harry, I’m not idiot,” you snapped, glaring at Harry who was sitting next to your birthing tub, holding your hand and trying to get you breathe through your pain. “It’s okay Harry just give her a little space,” your mom chuckled, making you shoot a glare at her as well, letting another groan slip through your parted lips. “Sorry,” Harry muttered, looking at you worry filling his green eyes, “I just feel so useless.” You sighed in relief when contraction had washed over you, leaving you a small time to relax. “I know love, I’m sorry, this just hurts like hell,” you cussed, leaning to kiss his soft lips. He sighed smiling, hand slipping to the tub where he rubbed your back with his large hand, relieving the pressure. “I can’t wait to see our little fella,” he smirked, making you smile before another pain tore you apart. A scream left your mouth, making Harry’s eyes sink almost deep green. “It’s time to push Y/N,” your midwife smiled, looking at you gently. You knew that water birth wouldn’t be easy, but the pain ripping through you was something you never had even imagined. “Harry,” you groaned, “I need Harry.” You felt his big hand on yours, shaking and sweating nervously. “I’m right here kitten, you’re doing so great, you’re so beautiful.” A small smile came to your face, even when the pain was driving you insane, “We’re having a baby Harry.” A smile covered his face when he leaned to kiss your sweaty forehead, “Yes we are love, just another push and we’ll get our baby Styles. Just one, you can do it kitten, I know you can.”

Louis: “That was only three minutes apart,” he huffed, looking at your face concerned, studying your face with his blue eyes. You nodded, sucking your lower lip, looking at your husband who was sitting next to you in your bed, holding a notebook and a pen, marking down every contraction you had. “What?” you whimpered, looking at his stare. He watched you with so much passion, it almost made you feel dizzy. “You’re just so…amazing,” he breathed, eyes admiring you like piece of art, “I can’t believe you’re doing this. You’re so strong and beautiful and gosh, just…I’m such a lucky guy to have the best woman in the entire world.” You smiled at him, smile fading away when another, twitching contraction pushed through your body, making you bury your head to Louis’ shirt, leaving you screams muffled. His hand was on your back, soothing your pain away. “That was three minutes apart too,” he said to himself, marking it to the notebook with care. “I swear I’m not going to let you touch me ever again,” you cried when a new, even more painful wave burst through your body. “Let’s talk about that later, love,” he chuckled, kissing your cheek, when you whined again. “That was only two minutes apart,” he pointed out, making you glare. “Lou, can you get your mom here to deliver this baby so I can kick your ass,” you huffed, making Louis smile before heading to get his mom to finally deliver another member to the Tomlinson family.

Zayn: “I don’t want to do this anymore,” you groaned, looking at your midwife who was smiling at you with motherly smile. “Would you want to walk a bit, it might help with the pressure and make the water broke,” she smiled, making you nod agreeing. You had been labor over eight hours, making you frustrated and annoyed. “C’mon boo, let me help you,” Zayn muttered, getting up from the chair next to you, helping you up from the bed. “Zayn it hurts,” you whimpered, making his eyes sink when he nodded. “I know boo, but it will be worth at the end, I promise,” he whispered, keeping his steady, tattooed arm on your waist when you waddled to your hallway, walking it head to head few times, only stopping when contractions made you stop and close your eyes. “We’re so close babe, just keep going,” Zayn whispered, stroking the skin next to your ear, kissing it lightly. You tried to smile over your pain and exhaustion, letting him help you back to your bedroom. “Zayn,” you said quickly, feeling a new sensation, when warm water tripped down your legs, making a small pond to your legs, “My water broke.” He looked down, a small but scared smile on his face when he kissed your lips gently. “Not so long anymore,” he smirked, making you smile too. He helped you back to your bed, making sure to kiss your lips and belly before looking at the midwife who nodded. “I’m gonna be a dad,” he whispered, making you smirk before another pain shoot through you, finally, slowly fulfilling his dream.

Niall: “Ya’re doin’ great princess,” he cheered, kissing your cheek, while he sat against the headboard of the bed, you lying between his legs, panting heavily. “Soon our lil’ girl will be here with us and she will be the prettiest lil’ baby in the whole world,” he smiled, stroking your hair back, leaving another reassuring words to the air when you took few breaths before pushing again, pain ripping through your body, leaving it tremble. “Don’t,-“ you squealed through your gritted teeth,” Stop-, speaking. Niall.” Another cry left your mouth but all you could focus was Niall’s voice on your ear when he reassured about how good you were doing, how beautiful your girl would be and how proud he was. “We can see the head,” Midwife announced, smiling to you gently, sitting on the end of your bed. “Did ya hear that princess? Head! Her head is showin’! I can’t believe it! We just made her here in this bed and now she has a head!” You squinted your eyes closed when Niall’s voice filled your head with the sweetness of his accent and the love what filled his voice. You could feel his callused fingertips brushing your sore thighs when you took a last breath to your push, aching your sweaty head back. “Holy shit,” Niall mumbled to your ear, voice filled with emotions when a pain stopped, leaving a tiny scream to the air. You panted, only hearing the screams before someone brushed your forehead, kissing it with love, “Open your eyes princess, she’s here. Ya did it, I love ya princess, I love ya so fuckin’ much.”

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