#31- Diapers

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Harry: “Hi!” Harry yelled, entering your house after a long day at the studio. “In the nursery!” you yelled back, smiling to your small infant who was lying on the changing table, kicking her tiny, chubby feet to the air. “Here you are, my ladies,” Harry cheered, walking to the room with a grin. His curly hair was a mess and green eyes tired, but he embraced you to a strong, warm hug. “Hi kitten,” he mumbled to your ear, kissing your neck, breathing in your scent. A small shriek made Harry jump. Your baby girl gave her dad a toothless grin, stretching her naked body. “Well, well, well…Who do we have here,” Harry beamed, tickling her belly button, making her squirm, “Is it daddy’s little girl.” You smiled, looking how his eyes lighted up when he saw the small girl in front of him. She was his whole life. No one could ever love a child as much as Harry loved your baby. “I was changing her diaper,” you explained, making Harry grin when he cooed down, kissing the little girl’s chubby cheek. “I can do that, I want to,” he smiled, taking the new, fresh diaper to his big hands before putting it on to her gently. “She’s not going to break, sweetheart,” you laughed, looking how carefully he handled her, eyes focused to the baby girl. He laughed a little, nodding when he closed the tapes, making the small girl wiggle under him. He smiled, lifting her on his arms, before kissing her forehead lovingly. “I know, I just love her so much and I don’t want to hurt her,” he said slowly, eyes glued to the girl, admiring every dimple and hair. You nodded, placing your chin to his firm shoulder, looking at your baby over his shoulder. “She’s my little girl, aren’t you baby? He cooed, making both you and your small girl smile happily“You’re amazing dad Harry. The best I’ve ever seen.”

Niall: He looked at you two mesmerized, blue eyes glued to you two. You had been home almost an hour, just sitting in the couch, looking at the new family you had together. Small baby boy in your arms whined against your breast, letting you know he was finished feeding. He was hardly a size of a baby born doll, making both you and Niall beam down at your tiny miracle. You smiled; lifting the baby gently to Niall’s waiting arms. All he wanted to do the rest of his life was to hold the baby boy in his arms, looking how he drifted to sleep and off. He was nervous, wanting to be the best father he could. After a while, small cry pierced the air, making Niall froze. “Is dere somethin’ wrong?” he asked panicked, hands holding the baby tighter. You smiled, reaching to kiss his cheek, just above one of the dimples, “No, I think he just need a diaper change.” Niall sighed, relaxing when the cries grew louder. “Can I do it?” he asked, surprising you. “Yeah, of course,” you smiled happily, feeling how your heart swell. He wasn’t trying to be a great father. He was one already. “Can ye help me so I won’t hurt him,” he asked silently, making you nod. He peeled his son’s tiny clothes off, leaving him to his nakedness. “What do I do now?” Niall asked confused, looking the small, pink, naked baby who had his eyes and brown hair. “Put a new diaper on, watch his willy, you don’t want it to be twitched,” you smiled, making him laugh throatily. “Dis lil’ thing?” he cooed to the baby, looking to his open blue eyes, putting his small willy to the right place so it wouldn’t be twitched in the diaper, “Nah, don’t worry lil’ man, It will grow with ye.” You rolled your eyes laughing to the two Horan men. Your son had stopped the crying, making both of you beam at him again. Niall smirked, pulling you to his embrace, nuzzling his head to your neck when your small boy closed his eyes in the changing table. “Thank ye for givin’ me the best thing in da world.”

Liam: “Oh no,” he said smirking, looking at your baby who was lying on the floor with her baby monitor. “What’s wrong?” you asked confused, eyes on your husband who was sitting next to her, playing with the toys what were hanging above her. “Smelly baby, smelly baby, smelly baby,” Liam grinned, poking her stomach gently; making her giggle her little laugh what filled the whole room. Her brown eyes looked at Liam who was scrunching his nose. “Liam,” you laughed, rolling your eyes to him, when he ran his hands through his hair, “If she is smelly, you should go and change her.” He whined, making you laugh once again, making the baby laugh as well. “But-, “Liam started but you glared at him playfully, making him sigh before standing up and taking your baby with him. “Cute little girl like you shouldn’t smell this bad,” he grunted, eyes still smiling at the happy little girl. He laid her on the changing table, biting his lip before taking her purple little pants off, revealing her onesie. “Smelly girl,” he said, shaking his head before opening poppers of her onesie. You smiled, standing in the doorway, looking how he scrunched his nose once again when he opened the diaper. He whipped her butt, putting a new, dry diaper on her, blowing kisses to her stomach, shaking his head once in a while. “Smelly baby girl, what are we feeding you?” he smirked, lifting her up when he was finished. “Now, try not to poop before we reach the living room,” he cooed, kissing her again, before smiling at your direction. “It’s your turn next time,” he smiled, reaching to kiss your lips, the baby between you. “Oh, can’t wait,” you joked, making him laugh. “She’ll do good. For mommy,” Liam teased, tickling the girl on his lap, making another fit of giggles fill the room, all the way to your hearts.

 Louis: “Dada,” your small boy yelled, sitting on his bum in the middle of the floor. He was only a small toddler, but his first word was ‘dada’ making Louis extremely proud. “Yes, little man?” Louis smirked, popping down to his level, tickling under the boy’s chin. “Dada,” he said again, not knowing to say anything else. Louis smirked again, lifting the boy to his arms, yelling in surprise. “Wow, you need a diaper change, don’t you little one?” he snickered, bouncing the small boy up and down on his arms, making him laugh loudly. He was just like Louis even when he was little over one year old. He was daddy’s little guy, always seeking Lou’s attention. “Your mom is at the store, so we just have to deal with this ourselves,” Louis said smiling, laying him on the floor where he had laid a cover so he wouldn’t mess the floor. “Your mom would never do this here,” Louis explained to the kid, playing that he would understand, “But she’s not here so we can have our little fun.” The small boy sucked his fist, looking at his dad eyes wide. Louis smirked, putting a new, superhero diaper on the boy. “Like a father like a son,” he announced, tickling his sides, making the baby smile. “Dada,” he blabbered, lifting his small legs and arms up, felling to his side. Louis beamed proudly, picking him up and carrying him to the couch. “How about me and you would have some man and man time,” he smirked, watching how the boy sat on his lap only a superhero diaper on. When you got home, a large grin came to your face when you found your two men in the living room. Both of them were just on their underwear, you son wearing his diaper and Lou wearing his superman boxers. TV was on, cartoons playing on the background when they had fell asleep, your son’s brown, messed hair against Lou’s chest tattoo. You smiled, watching them for a while before going to the kitchen, thinking how lucky you were.

Zayn: You laid on your back, hand on your big, round belly. TV was on, some baby show running again when you waited Zayn to get home from store. It had been always your chore to make, but after eight months of pregnancy, you couldn’t walk long without swollen ankles and pain on your back. “Boo?” Zayn’s low voice yelled, making you sit up on the bed. “Hi Love,” you smiled at him when he walked next to your bed, kicking his shoes off before crawling next to you. “Mmh,” he murmured, pressing his head to your neck, leaving small kisses to your gentle skin. His hand found your belly when he stroked it lovingly, absolutely amazed about the fact that you were carrying something so unbelievable and special; his baby. “What did you buy?” you asked smiling, running your hand through his black, thick hair, listening how his steady breathing hit your skin. “Nothing much, baby stuff,” he murmured, cuddling closer so he could hold you in his arms and admire the bump. You smiled, kissing his jaw gently. Every time he went out, he got something for the baby. You had enough stuff for a whole city, but you didn’t mind. It was his way to show how excited he was. “What did you get for her?” you asked smiling, making Zayn’s brown eyes sparkle when ‘her’ slipped out of your mouth. He stood up, disappearing for a while before coming back with a bag of diapers. “No way,” you giggled, watching the bag, “They make these?” He nodded, sitting next to you, laughing, “Yea, pretty awesome, huh?” You laughed too, watching the diaper where was printed 1D- signs to everywhere, only written on pink ink. You both giggled, looking at them with awe. “Do you like them, daddy’s little princess?” Zayn cooed on your belly, kissing the spot next to your belly button. You smiled, running your hand through his hair, “Of course she does, she’s a daddy’s girl already.”

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