#9- Your Daughter Gets Her Period And You Aren't There

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Liam: ”Bye” You smiled kissing Liam on the lips.

”Fetch (Y/D/N) some tablets, she’s been complaining about stomach ache all morning” He sighed, walking with you to the door.

”I hope it wasn’t my cooking last night” You said, opening the door to leave.

”It wasn’t, I feel fine” He laughed, kissing you once more on the lips before you left to your car.

”MUM!” (Y/D/N) shouted from up the stairs. Liam jogged up the steps and in to her room and outside her bathroom door.

”Your mums already gone to the shop” He shouted back to her through the door.

”You need to ring her” She cried, slamming her fist on the side of the bath, while hiding her sobs in her hands.

”(Y/D/N), why are you crying, open this door” He said knocking.

”I’ll wait for mum!” She rushed out. Liam began messing with the lock and rattling the handle. ”DAD! Go away!” She shouted.

”For gods sake (Y/D/N), tell me what’s up” He shouted back, banging on the door.

”I’ve started my period” She mumbled, hoping Liam didn’t hear. He heard it loud and clear but he froze to the spot. When (Y/D/N) thought he had given up she pulled out her phone and began dialling your number.

”No! Don’t dial your mum, she’ll think I’m useless. I got this, just wait here” He panicked, not wanting to interrupt your shopping trip. He ran off to yours and Liam’s shared bedroom, quickly searching through the cabinet. Quickly, he rushed back and opened the lock straight away. He held his arm over his face, placing everything in front of your embarrassed daughter. ”There is some pads and tampons there, whichever you want to use, the pad sort of goes in your pants and, well the tampon sort of just goes inside. I also got some heating pads, your mum uses them on her stomach when she gets pains and mum is bringing you tablets. Erm, that is all I think, shout me if you need me” He rambled, walking off down the stairs to wait for you to come home.

Harry: Harry sat on his laptop as your daughter watched some T.V show and your younger daughter was playing happily in the corner with her dolls.

”Would you like a drink dad?” (Y/D/N) asked, standing up.

”Sure” Harry smiled looking up from his laptop. She bent down and Harry noticed a stain on the back of her large trousers. ”Pop to toilet love” He said calmly.

”Why?” She asked confused.

”Just, go have a look, I think you’ve started becoming a woman” He tried hinting at her but your daughter just wasn’t getting it.

”Dad, I don’t need the toilet” She laughed as if he was a weirdo. Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her closer so his youngest daughter didn’t hear.

”I think you’ve started your period” He whispered. Her eyes widened and she rushed upstairs.

”Hey baby, I’m just going to help your sister are you okay here?” He asked his youngest little girl before rushing up the stairs.

”Dad it’s awful!” She cried, sitting on the toilet covering her face.

”Shh, it’s okay love, it happens to all girls” He smiled, reaching down to the cupboard under the sink and getting everything she needed out. ”I’ll get you a spare pair of pants and some pyjamas and we’ll have a movie day” He said, leaving the room to fetch her some comfier things to wear.

”Thanks dad” She smiled, giving her dad a hug, while watching the movie they had put on. When you got home Harry told you everything and you thanked god that Harry and his daughter had such a close relationship.

Zayn: ”Goodbye” You smiled hugging your son and daughter before leaving the house.

”Make sure to ring us if anything happens and we’ll come straight back” Zayn said, opening the door to let you both out.

”Bye guys” Liam shouted, I’ll look after them don’t worry” He shouted, waving you both out of the door.

”Right then, let’s have a nice night to ourselves” He winked opening the car door for you. You both set off to the hotel for a five star meal and room.

”Ah that was delicious” You smiled, turning the lights on to the room. Zayn wasted no time grabbing your waist and pulling you towards him.

”Finally a night without the kids” He whispered, kissing your neck. Zayn lifted you up and laid you gently on the bed, kissing you passionately. Just as he was slipping his hands up your dress, your phone began ringing, making you pull away with a groan. ”I’ll get it” he groaned before picking up the phone, ”Yes (Y/D/N), it best be important”  ”Can’t you ask Liam for help”  ”He’ll not laugh, he’ll know what to do”   ”Fine, me and your mum are coming home”. You could hear faint cries on the other line. Zayn quickly stood up, grabbing your bags and his coat. He ended the call and turned to you. ”(Y/D/N) has started her period, we’ve got to go home” He sighed before leaning to whisper in your ear, ”We’ll finish this when the kids go to bed.”

Niall: ”Choose (Y/D/N)” Niall groaned, watching as his daughter tries choosing between blue or pink shorts, ”You’re as bad as your mum for shopping.”

”Oh shut up dad” She sighed, ”which one do you think.”

”The blue one” He said, snatching it off her and putting the pink one back. She rolled her eyes and set off to another rack of clothes.

”Dad, I’m just going to pop to the toilet” She whispered slightly before jogging off down the store. Niall entertained himself by looking through the clothes and pulling out anything his daughter may like. A second later (Y/D/N) came rushing down the store with a panicked expression on her face. ”Dad, I don’t want to shop anymore, can we go home?” She asked, tugging on his arm.

”(Y/D/N)!” He groaned, ”you begged me to bring you today, so just buy some things and we’ll go to the supermarket then home.”

”Dad please” She begged, ”I started my period.” Niall’s eyes went wide.

”Why didn’t you say so love” He smiled, ”have you leaked through?” She nodded her head slowly, looking down in embarrassment. ”Right then I’ll stop in at the shop and buy you everything you need” He said calmly, ”I’m sure if your mum finds out the situation, she won’t mind popping to the supermarket later.

”Thanks dad” She smiled, giving him a sideways hug.

”It’s okay, just walk in front of me” He said.

Louis: ”That’s it (Y/S/N)!” Louis cheered as his son scored a goal in the net behind Louis.

”I did it daddy!” He shouted running up to Louis, who lifted him up in the air. Louis wrestled him down to floor and started tickling him, causing him to laugh and wriggle away from his dad.

”Right try it again but with me trying to save the ball” Louis laughed, rolling the ball to (Y/S/N).

”DAD!” Your daughters voice screamed from the bathroom window.

”What have I told you about shouting” Louis shouted back at her, ”If you want to talk to me come down here.”

”I can’t” She screamed again.

”You’ve got legs, use them” He shouted, ”now (Y/S/N), shoot the ball in to the net, just like you did last time.” Your son nodded backing away a little ready to run up to the ball.

”DAD!” She screamed once again.

”Shut up (Y/D/N)” Your son groaned pretending to look angry.

”Don’t be rude to your sister” Louis scolded. He went to pick up his water bottle but was interrupted again by the loud scream of your daughter. ”Right (Y/D/N), what have I s-” He started but was cut off once more by your daughter.

”I’ve started my period” She shouted causing Louis to stop what he was doing and hold up a finger, signalling one minute, to his son. He rushed upstairs and gave her everything she may need from your cupboard, apologising for not coming earlier and that if he knew what for he would have been there a lot sooner.

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