#58- You Tell His Family That You're Pregnant (2/5)

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Harry: You sat on your bed and buried your head to your hands. Everything felt so hard. Why simple things became so hard to handle. You looked at those two dresses on the floor. They were awful. You looked gross. You had nothing to put on and Annes charity event would start in hour and half. Tears escaped your eyes and you pressed your hand to your belly. It was still flat but that little baby inside you made your mood go like roller-coaster. “Babe?”, Harry yelled and came to room wearing his black tux. He looked at you, sitting on the bed only in your underwear and raised his eyebrow. “What’s wrong babe?”, he asked and sat next to you. “Nothing.”, you said but started to cry against his shoulder. He stroked your shoulder gently. “Sssh.. It’s ok honey, it’s just your hormones.”, he said with his raspy voice. You nodded and tried to put yourself together. “Damn these hormones.”, you said and smiled a little. “Wear that one.”, Harry said and pointed a black dress. You stood up and got dressed. When you drove to Annes charity event to childrens in need, you felt better. “I can’t wait to tell her.”, you said smiling a bit. Harry grinned and looked at your belly. “I can’t either. She’s going to be so happy.” He pulled your car to driveway and stopped the car. You were going to stand up but Harry stopped you, put his hand to your stomach and said, “Um okay baby girl. You’re going to see grandma now. She’s going to be happy. Don’t tease mommy while she talks with granny and autie Gem. Daddy loves you.” You laughed and Harry looked at you smiling a bit, “Harry you’re just silly sometimes.” Inside charity event you met Robin and Gemma in the lobby. Gemma hugged you and Harry. “Finally you’re here!”, Gemma laughed. Robin and Harry left to check out your new car. “Mom is there.”, Gemma said and leaded you to see your mother-in-love. “Y/n!”, Anne said, “You’re here sweetie!” You hugged her. “This is amazing!”, You said looking around. Anne was your absolute role-model. Year after year she wanted to give happines to everyone. You wanted to raise your kid to be like her. “Thanks love. Where’s Harry?”,she asked and looked around. “He and Rob went to check their new car..”, Gemma said and rolled her eyes. You laughed but you couldn’t stop thinking that you had to buy a new car because Harry wanted to make sure that the baby was safe. “Oh it’s starting.”, Anne said excited. You hugged her and wished luck. “I love you.”, you said before she went to stage. You sat on the table with Gemma when boys came back. Harry sat next to you and you could feel his hand on your thigh. “Ready?”, he whispered. You nodded and smiled to Anne who started to read donation tweets out loud. Your heart beated a bit faster. It was here. You were so excited! You just wanted to see Annes face…”Oh and there is one from my son! Lets see.. @Harry_Styles Great job grandma. Our donation comes from four weeks old beautiful baby girl…” Anne stopped reading and looked at you two. Her face was priceless. Gemma jumped to hug you and you grinned happily. Robin shook Harrys hand and looked so proud. Anne came off the stage and hugged you both. “A baby! My tiny boy is having a girl”, she looked at you and you both started to cry. Robin looked a bit surprised. “Hormones.”, Harry explained and smiled to Gemma who hugged his brother. “I love you two.”, Anne said to you and Harry. “We love you too mom.”,Harry said, “And our baby loves you.” Anne smiled and teared again. Harry kissed your cheek and stroked your belly. “Oh my god… you’re going to name her Grimmy, aren’t you?”, Gemma joked and you all laughed. Eight months to go until your little princess would light your world. 

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