#53- You Name Your Kid After His Mom/Dad

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Liam: He sat on your bed, arms around you, other hand on your swollen belly, when you looked at the news. He rubbed circles all around you stomach, making the baby girl all excited. She kicked against his dad’s hand, making him blow kisses next to your bellybutton. “Hi little girl!” he said kissing a small bump, where your baby tried to stretch. Liam smiled when you reached your hand to his hair, stroking him lightly. “I’ve been thinking names,” he said smiling and looked straight to your eyes. “Really? Me too!” you said all excited. You wanted to hear what was on his mind. “Jessie!” he said when you picked up a piece of paper you could write names. “No,” you said looking at him, using your veto- power. He poked his lip, making you giggle, and your baby belly bounce. “My turn!” you said excitedly, “ Ginevra!” He laughed shaking his head, “No.” It was your time to look sad. He rubbed his hand around your belly, “What are we gonna name you? You can’t be baby girl forever.” You smiled before stroking your belly, “What about Karen?” Liam looked straight at you before huge grin appeared on his face, “I love it. Hey baby Karen! I love you! Mommy loves you, daddy loves you, uncles love you, Grandpa Geoff loves you, Grandma Karen loves you…”

 Zayn: “Hi baby!” he said with teary eyes, rocking your newborn baby boy on his arms. He was so small bundle on his dad’s strong arms, but so loved and so precious. Zayn tried to dry his eyes, but another happy tear slipped down his cheeks. “I love you,” he whispered, pressing a small kiss to baby’s small forehead. He closed his eyes, smelling the baby scent. You watched as a smile spread both of your faces. “I’m your daddy,” he said smiling through his tears, “and I’m always there for you.” He sniffled looking at your sleeping baby. He was so tiny, so beautiful…” He looks just like my dad,” he said smiling and stroking baby’s hair before looking at you, lovingly. “Yeah?” you asked, lying on the hospital bed, exhausted, but happy to see two of your men’s together. You loved them both so much… “Y/N? Did we decide his name?” he asked, still looking at his son. “No, we didn’t, but..,” you started. Zayn lifted his head and looked at you smiling, “What?” You reached to stroke your baby boy’s black hair before answering, “He looks a lot like his grandfather and father, like you said.” Zayn looked at you, eyes widen, “really?” You nodded before few tears escaped his eyes again. “Hi Yasser Zayn Javadd!”, you said and he kissed his tiny cheek before your lips. “He’s so perfect,” Zayn said, looking down at his small miracle. 

Louis: You woke up to nudging in the middle of the night. You had just told Louis that you were having a girl, and he couldn’t be more excited. You opened your eyes, looking at your smiling husband. “Lou,” you groaned, “It’s three thirty, you better be sick or the house must be on fire…” He laughed before reaching to pull your covers off. “LOUIS!” you yelled when cold night air hit your legs and arms. “Just a sec, babe,” he said kissing your lips. You shook your head before looking at him. His hands were on your swollen belly, when he pressed his ear against your skin. “Baby?” he asked, making you giggle. He was trying to talk to her? “It’s your daddy, love. I was thinking names; I have couple ideas, so kick when you hear your future name!  Okay, baby? Let’s go!” , you laughed at Louis’ excitement. His eyes were sparkling when he started smiling, “Emily?” Nothing. “Amanda?” Nothing. “Delilah?” Nothing… After twenty minutes you were drifting to sleep and Louis was throwing every name he knew, in to the game.  Suddenly you felt a sharp kick on your belly. Your eyes opened quickly and you looked at Louis, who was smiling, crying and kissing your belly. “Well?” You asked smiling. Louis pulled you close, keeping you warm. “Jay,” he whispered smiling. You smiled, “That’s perfect.”

Niall: You were driving back home from your doctor’s appointment. You both smiled like crazy, not even realizing how lucky you were. He dried few happy tears to his palm before looking at you, during a traffic jam. He kissed your hand before resting it on your belly. “I knew my sperm was some kind of Horan super sperm, but wow… Twins!”, he looked at you, smiling ear to ear. You laughed kissing his cheek.  Earlier he had jumped up and down, when you found out you were having two little boys. “I love you, “you said smiling to his excitement. “Oh, We have to decide another name!” he almost yelled, looking at you. “We decided James to baby A, but what about da other baby?”, You laughed at his strong Irish accent. “You mean baby B?” you smiled, “Could it be some family name, like James is?” Niall nodded excited before starting to list his relatives, “…who’s my cousin, Greg of course.., maybe not to my baby. Or Niall, but I hated it when I was kiddo.” You smiled when an idea popped to your head. “Ni?” you asked when he sighed, looking at the traffic jam before you, “could it be Bobby?” Niall looked at you confused, “that’s my dad’s name.” You giggled, “I know sweetie, that why it would be perfect.” A huge grin appeared on Niall’s face, “Fuck yes!” he yelled before kissing you and your belly, “Hi James and Bobby, I’m your daddy! There’s two of you! I love you so, so much!” 

Harry: Harry sat behind you, legs open so he could hold your tired body, when you leaned against him. His lips were buried to your neck, when he stared at a small bundle on your arms. He was amazed and so grateful…He had been waiting so long…”She’s absolutely gorgeous!” he whispered kissing your neck, eyes still on your baby princess. She was perfect..; her father’s eyes, small curls, little hands holding your finger… “Harry…Does she look Darcy for you?” you asked quietly, looking at the small sleepy figure you two made. To you, she didn’t look like Darcy. You had decided the name earlier, but it just didn’t fit to her… “No she doesn’t..,” Harry admitted quietly, “She’s so perfect, so beautiful, amazing..I want her to have the name she deserves.” You nodded, turning to kiss his cheek. Your small baby girl whimpered quietly, getting all of your both attention. “Uhm..That’s right baby girl, we love you and we can wait to give you the most perfect name in the world,” Harry whispered stroking her cheek with his big thumb. “Anne,” you said looking at your beautiful baby. She looked just like Anne. Strong, independent, caring and lovely woman, her grandmother would be the most amazing role model. “Uhm, what was that babe?” Harry asked kissing your neck again. “I think we should name her Anne, because of your mom,” you said smiling. “I’d love to,” Harry sighed, tears falling down his cheeks. “Hi Anne Darcy Styles! Mommy and daddy loves you! Welcome to this world.”

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