#34- Proud Daddy

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Liam: “Hi baby,” he cooed, looking down to the infant in his arms. Small eyes opening your baby daughter opened her little eyes, squinting against the bright day light. “I can’t believe you’re finally here,” he smiled happily, few tears rolling down his cheeks. He was so happy it hurt. After years of trying and waiting, he was finally holding your daughter in his arms, dumbfounded of his sudden luckiness. He had it all. The perfect job, the most amazing wife, loads of great friends and now this small figure, made of his and yours love, in his arms. Her small mouth opened when a small yawn escaped to the air, making Liam chuckle happily through his tears. “I love you baby girl,” he cooed rocking her up and down, admiring how she was not much longer than his arrow tattoos. She was so tiny, so beautiful and all his. “I love you more than anything in this entire world,” he whispered to her baby hair, leaving small kisses to the soft skin, smiling to the baby scent. Her small hand reached up, making Liam touch it carefully, almost afraid that he’d break it. Instead, the baby gripped to her daddy’s finger with all her power, making Liam’s heart fill with love and warmness. He looked down to the baby who was just starting her life, thinking how he already was wrapped around her finger. “I’ll never let you go. I’ll always protect you my little girl,” he chuckled, kissing her again, making a small sniffle leave the baby’s perfect lips, “I promise."

Niall: “So how big he is today?” Niall asked, through the webcam, looking at you with a sad smile on his face. He was away touring, leaving you with your baby belly. “About the size of the chicken drumstick,” you smiled, hand admiring your belly, thinking about the little baby inside you. Niall chuckled happily, running his hand through his blond hair, adjusting the green snapback. Even though he was smiling, you could tell how upset he was. “Niall..,” you started, but he just shook his head, looking down to his hands. “I remember when I was with ye and he was as big as a peanut,” he laughed smiling, but tears ran down his cheeks when he tried to keep his smile on, “and when ye told me that I’m gona be a dad, he was just as big as a pea, remember that princess, eh?” His voice was so sad, it made your heart broke, shattering it to million pieces. “I remember,” you whispered, eyes teary when you watched how your husband fought to hide his tears, trying not to make you upset.  “You’re going to be home soon, love, don’t worry,” you sniffled, fighting a smile to your face as well. “Yeh,” he nodded, not saying more. You both knew that he wouldn’t be okay until he was with you and your baby, calloused fingers admiring your belly. “You know, I was thinking about Bobby,” you said quietly, looking at Niall at the screen. His eyes were red, but he had lifted his head to look at you a bit confused, “My dad?” You nodded, hand still stroking your belly, hoping that it would be Niall’s instead of yours. “Yeah, I think we should name the baby after him,” you blurted out, biting your lip. You really wanted to name the baby boy after someone who would be the perfect role model, and Bobby would be that one thousand percent. “Are ye serious?” Niall asked, mouth hanging open, when new tears blurred his eyes. You nodded again, seeing how tears filled his cheeks again, “Bobby Horan. I love that princess, and I love ye both.” 

Zayn: “Daddy, Daddy wake up!” a small squeal made Zayn stir in the room, seeing his daughter standing next to the bed, smiling happily. “Hey,” he mumbled, opening his arms so the four years old years old could climb to his embrace. “Daddy, where’s mommy?” she asked concerned, looking at Zayn with her big brown eyes. She was sucking her thumb, cuddling against her daddy’s chest. “She’s at work Penny, you know that,” Zayn smiled gently, brushing her hair behind her ear. The four years old nodded, cuddling better against Zayn’s warm, tattooed chest. The two Malik’s laid quietly for a while, your baby girl falling asleep when Zayn was trying to stay awake, drawing patterns to her skin. “Daddy,” Penny asked quietly, lifting her little head to look at Zayn’s sleepy figure. His stubble was growing fast, making Penny giggle every time Zayn kissed her cheeks. “Yea baby,” he mumbled back, not opening his eyes. “What does Zap mean?” she asked, making Zayn’s brown eyes flicker open. “What?” he asked confused, looking down at the girl who was staring at his arm, “Did you…Did you just read that baby?” Zayn stared at the girl, eyes starting to shine. “Yea, why?” She asked confused, small fingers tapping the tattoo, making Zayn shiver happily. “You just read baby!” He almost yelled, tickling her making the small girl giggle. “Yea daddy but what does it mean?” she asked between giggles, “Does it mean Zayn and Penny?”  Zayn nodded, happily agreeing of the meaning, “It can mean that if you want baby girl.” She nodded excited, making Zayn chuckle before nuzzling her better to his chest, “I love you my little baby girl, I love you so much.”

Louis: “Go, go, go!” Louis yelled, looking how his five years old toddled after the football with other kids. They were wearing yellow team shirts, and your son was a number 17, just like his dad. “Louis, he’s five, this is not even a game,” you laughed, looking how your husband stood next to you, eyes following the ball. “YES! GO TOMMY!” He screamed, throwing his fists to the air when your son scored a goal, tripping right after to his own legs. “Daddy! Daddy I did it!” He yelled, running out of the field even when the “game” was still going. “You did it man! I’m proud of you!” Louis yelled back, scooping the boy to his arms, laughing happily. “Mommy, aren’t I just like dad?” Your son asked, looking at you from his father’s lap, blue eyes glimmering and smile in same mischievous smile as his father’s. “Just like him, honey,” you nodded, seeing how your son’s face lighted up from the thought, making Louis grin happily. “I gotta go!” the small Tomlinson screamed happily, wiggling off Louis’ touch, running back to the field. “Can you believe that we actually made that quite perfect human being?” Louis wondered eyes sparkling when he watched his son’s running. You smiled, looking how proudly he was staring at him. “I wasn’t lying, he is just like you,” you smiled happily, waving back to your boy who had stopped his run just to wave at you. “I hope that’s a good thing,” Louis teased, poking your rib, making you giggle. “Yeah, of course it is, otherwise I wouldn’t be this happy that I’m pregnant again,” you grinned, feeling your cheeks flush. Louis’ head snapped to look at your face, “WHAT?”

Harry: “I don’t want to drink that daddy,” your small girl whined, pressing her head against the Barbie pillow, closing her eyes and shutting her mouth. “You have to baby girl, I know it’s yucky, but you have to,” he cooed, stroking her sweaty forehead, looking how small the brown haired girl looked in her big bed. “I don’t want to!” she screamed crying, burying her head to a small teddy bear, letting sniffles fill the small room. “Baby,” Harry whispered sadly, looking at his big hands, feeling useless next to her suffers. “No daddy, It makes me puke,” she whispered crying, making Harry lift her small trembling body to his arms, soothing her instantly. “It hurts daddy,” she whispered couching, making Harry kiss her forehead gently, “Make it go away.” Harry shushed her, cooing at her, whispering nothings to her ear, kissing away the pain. “I wish I could kitty,” he breathed, rocking her in the pink room, hands stroking the dark curls she got from him. She looked like Harry, but everything else in her was just like you. “If you’d take the medicine, you’d feel a bit better,” Harry cooed, making the sniffles fade to the air. “Will you sing to me after that,” she whispered to Harry’s neck, making his heart melt. “Of course,” he smiled, showing his dimples to the little girl who was tangled in his lap. “Yuck,” she groaned, sniffing her nose when Harry helped her swallow the medicine. His eyes were on the little girl who tried to look brave even when Harry knew she hated medicine. “Good girl,” he smiled, placing her back to the bed, cuddling next to her, starting to sing a song he wrote years ago, knowing that it was her favorite.

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