#15- G-Spots

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Harry: He grinned at his phone while he scrolled down some internet page. His long fingers rolled on the screen, stopping for seconds so he could read something what put even bigger smile on his face. “Harry what are you doing?” you asked smiling to his childish grin. His head popped up, eyes connecting on yours when he smirked. “Do you want me to show you kitten?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows making you giggle. “What?” you asked curious, looking at your curly haired boyfriend whose smirk was turning devilish. A moment later you were pinned against the couch, legs sprawled while his long, cold fingers worked its magic inside you. “Harry,” you moaned, trying to keep your winces inside you, “let me cum babe, please.” He shook his head, looking down concentrating. His tongue was between his lips when he tried to found what he was looking for, “Not before I’ve found it. According to that page it should be…” You cut him off with the loudest moan, shaking when he touched your spot, giving you all new kind of pleasure like never before. Harry smiled in satisfaction, curling his fingers once again, loving the control he had over you. “I knew it would work,” he mumbled pleased to himself, making you shake under his fingers.

Liam: He pressed sloppy, wet kisses over your bare chest, leaving red small marks to your skin, nibbling your nipples before flicking them with his tongue, making you groan. His sweet fingers stroked your sides, leaving goosebumps to your flushed skin. “Liam,” you whispered in pleasure, making Liam’s lips smile against your skin. “Tell me what you want baby girl,” he smiled against your skin, biting it gently, making you groan again. “I want you,” you whined, hands stroking his strong biceps, admiring the size of them, knowing how proud he was. Liam smiled, reaching to kiss your lips, parting them so he could slide his tongue in to your mouth. “Liam,” you sighed stroking his hair when he hovered over you, brown eyes shining and skin glistering in small sweat, “Please.” He chuckled nodding, slipping his hand to your panties before sliding them away gently. He looked at your expressions, giving you exactly what you needed. You could feel how near he hit your spot, not quite touching it. “Little bit higher,” you moaned between your pants, making him smile before reaching the spot perfectly, letting your mouth open and eyes shut with pleasure. “Is that good?” he teased, hitting your bundle of nerves again, making you bury your nails to his shoulders.

Zayn: You shrugged, looking down at your knees when the phone on your ear warmed against your skin. “I don’t know, he just doesn’t find it,” you said slowly, talking to your friend, “It’s not a bad thing, but I just really wish he would, you know.” You heard your friend chuckle, making you blush, “So it’s bad?” You rolled your eyes to her, making a annoyed noise, “No it’s not bad, it’s great but I really want him to touch the spot. He tried once and gave up…It’s not a big deal…” A hand grabbed your phone, closing it with a small click. “Zayn,” you whispered horrified, looking his brown, hurt and angry eyes,”I’m sorry I just…” He shushed you with a kiss, making you wince in surprise. “No apologizes,” he murmured with a low, husky, demanding voice, “After this you’re going to call your friend back, telling how I hit your g-spots perfectly.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, when he pinned you down, tearing your pants and panties away, lowering himself to you, slowly studying your body and expressions. “I need to find it,” he muttered to himself, making you feel bad about your complaining. He was trying so hard… “Zayn it’s fi- OOH,” you gasped, pulling the sheets with your hands, aching your back with a pleasure. Zayn smirked, biting his lip, knowing that he finally made you feel what you deserved.

Niall: “Hi honey,” you cheered, kissing his lips when he plopped next to you in bed after a long day. “Hi princess,” he said happily, wrapping his hand around your shoulders. “How was your day?” you asked smiling at his cute exhaustion. His dyed hair was a mess after he had ran his hands through it over and over again, adjusting his snapback what was now on the floor next to his white supras. “It was fine,” he smiled, snuggling his head to your neck, leaving few kisses to your pale skin, “Harry told me somethin’ you’d like.” You raised an eyebrow, looking at his blue eyes curious. “Yea?” you asked when he pulled you down to the mattress, wiggling his grey sweatpants off you. “Ya shouldn’t use my clothes babe, it makes me horn dog,” he laughed kissing your bellybutton before sliding your panties down. Without a word he slid his calloused finger inside you, smirking to your heat. “Ni..aaah,” you moaned when he pumped in and out, preparing you with his talented fingers. “Accordin’ to Harry it should be here,” he muttered to himself, Irish accent tuck and thoughtful when he curled his finger up, making you scream his name. “Yes,” he laughed, knowing that he had hit the right spot, “Did ya like that princess?”

Louis: “Touch yourself,” he ordered, staring you from your laptop screen. His eyes were blue and full of lust even when he was miles away, “Touch yourself like I would touch you baby girl.” You guided your hand down, memorizing what he did to you, how his gentle fingers found you, rubbing the spot he knew make you weak. “I miss you Lou,” you breathed, looking how his face dropped, making you almost break in to tears. Your hands were not his. Nothing in your fingers made you feel half as good as he did. “I miss you too love,” he sighed, eyes dropping. “Louis?” you whispered, looking at him through your sparkling tears, “Can we close our eyes and pretend that we’re together?” He nodded, not saying anything before he saw your eyes closing. “I’m touching you with my fingers, kissing your thighs gently. They’re so perfect, like made just for my kisses…Now I’m sliding my finger in, curling it to the left like you like it. When I do it, your mouth opens with few curse words you can’t muffle. I’m teasing you before touching your g-spot. I know right where it is. I know how to touch you like no one else…Right baby girl?” You kept your eyes close, imagining him next to you, warm hands on your hips, hot breath on your thighs. “I love you Louis,” you whispered knowing that you’d feel him soon again. He was all yours.

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