#83- You Bring The Baby Home

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Niall: He proudly opened the door preventing them from closing with his leg-his hands were filled with your and baby’s bags. The little one was peacefully sleeping in your arms, tiny body wrapped in soft blanket. Your eyes left her sleepy face just for one time; to look at your husband, smile playing on the corners of your lips as he speaked leaving a kiss on her little head. ”Welcome home, Princess.”

Zayn: The door were still swung open,forgotten as he sat on the couch next to you watching little bundle in your arms. His lips were set in that half smile revealing perfectly white teeth as he watched his little baby play with his own hands. One of his hands sneaked around your back catching hold on your waist while he rested the other one on top of yours; bunder the baby’s back pulling the both of you in the first family hug ever.

Louis: As he sat on the couch next to you, he wrapped one arms around you and supported his son with another one. Smile spread over his lips as he watched his little sleepy face. It was hard to describe how was he feeling; he was confused. The baby’s home,what now? He was even kinda panicking on the inside-it was strange for him, he used to be the one who was calmed down.It was odd how it used to be just the two of you and now he has family, real family he has been dreaming to have with you.

Liam: Large smile stretched over his lips, his eyes shining at the sight he was seeing; his two favorite girls-his family. ”Welcome home, baby”,you giggled at his words as he carefully took the little one in his arms; carefully, she felt so fragile against his strong arms. He’s been watching her for hours and hours these days but every time he looked at her it was like the first time; for him, she was so beautiful. She was so small, but she already had him wrapped around her little finger.

Harry: "Smile", he widely smiled at the two of you, large hands made the camera he was holding look smaller. Free hand supported the door preventing them from closing and letting the two of you proudly walk in empty house. Shutting the camera, he took a seat on the couch next to you, lips leaving small kiss on his daughter’s forehead making it crinkle as she frowned."Welcome home, baby."

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