1. Anger Management

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"This is so stupid," I mutter to myself, crossing my arms over my chest. Right now I am sat in anger management, listening to everyone pour their heart's out.

What pansies.

I roll my eyes as Sasha begins to tell us about how she broke her knuckles from punching a wall. We all knew it was a lie. She was an attention seeker and we all knew it. She did a few bad things that made her seem like she had anger problems. When really, she's just a bitch.

It's soon my turn and I take a deep breath as everyone stares at me. "There's not much to say to be honest," I shrug, running a hand through my hair. "I have anger problems that I can't exactly control. I'm working on it, hence why I am sat here with you lot today," I continue, "I'm not one of those bad girl students who bunks lessons and smokes and stuff. I just. I just get really, really angry sometimes," I say, clenching my fists.

"When I speak about my emotions. When I speak about how I feel. That's when it happens. That's when I lash out. I hate it. I hate it so much. It feels like all the emotions are hitting me all at once, all this anger and pain I've been feeling is released. And I can't help it. I can't," I say before releasing a dark chuckle.

"But I guess that's just me," I shrug, looking at the shocked faces around the room. If I told them the whole story they'd been even more shocked. But I'm not stupid.

Whatever happens in here doesn't stay in here. Because in here is where all the rumors start. Cathy, who lashed out on a teacher in lesson, explained her story. A week later there's a rumor that she attacked the teacher because he gave her STD.

Yeah, Cathy isn't the most innocent girl out of the bunch. But it was a lie. She lashed out on him because he insulted her intelligence. He told her she was stupid and she got mad. Real mad.

One thing lead to another and she was attacking him, punching him square in the jaw.

Bet he's learnt his lesson.

I walk out of anger management, running both hands through my hair.

Where is he?

"Is there a Libby Alanis around here somewhere because I believe she ordered a sexy beast. And a sexy beast she shall get," my best friend Luke smirks as he makes his dramatic entrance, causing me to cringe. I roll my eyes as he hugs me, squeezing me tightly. I pull away and grin, noticing he's wearing his lucky aftershave.

"Hoping to pick up some ladies tonight man whore?" I question, walking towards the car park with him. He narrows his eyes and glares at me.

"If you must know, I already have and she was amazing," he smirks proudly, unlocking his car. Major douchebag.

"You're gonna catch something off one of these girls one day and I'm going to be there right by your side laughing at you screaming, TOLD YA SO!" I laugh as I get into the car, shaking my head at the same time.

He puts the keys into ignition, clearly ignoring my last comment and smirks. "I have more pick up lines," he grins, reversing out of the parking space and onto the empty street. I roll my eyes and laugh.

Pick up lines were our thing. We would always say pick up lines to each other throughout the month and then pick a pick up line of the month.

"Shoot," I smile, putting one leg up onto the seat. Best position ever.

"I must be hunting treasure because I'm digging your chest," he winks, looking at me as he stops at a few light. I burst into a fit of laughter, imagining him using that on a girl.

To be honest he wouldn't have to say anything since girls throw themselves at him.

"Okay, okay I have one too," I pant, finally calming down from the laughing fit I was having. "I don't feel so good, I think I need a shot of penis-illin," I say in between giggles, making it sound less sexy than it was supposed to sound.

I watch as Luke begins to laugh too, rolling his eyes at my sorry excuse for a pick up line.

"Hey Mom," I smile, pecking her cheek.

"Hey honey," she grins as she refills the Oreo cookie jar. I wipe away the drool on my chin and grab an Oreo, shamelessly shoving it into my mouth.

I have an unhealthy obsession with Oreos leave me alone.

"How was anger manangement?" my mom asks, taking a bite out of her Oreo as I stick my hand in the jar for another one.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "We talked. Talked. Who does that anymore? I enjoyed the last session. You know, when we smashed up stuff," I say as pour myself a glass of apple juice.

"Talking is an oppurtunity to express how you feel and get to know the rest of the people in your group," my mom shrugs. I raise my eyebrows in surprise as I settle down on a stool. She never responds back to my 'stupid' and 'irrational' opinions.

"Who's the guy?" I ask my mom knowingly. She blushes furiously and turns away, walking out of the room.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour," she mutters before jumping onto the couch.


I know. This chapter was super crappy but I swear it does get better. This was kind of an insight on Libby's life and what she goes through.

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Kayla :)

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