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I guess you could say it was a happily ever after. We finished Junior year with really good grades and managed to stay out of drama, at least we did, Katie was the drama, and our relationship only got stronger and stronger. Justin became the biggest fuckboy on the face of the earth, Coral continued to deny what actually happened through social media. I swear, every day there's a new Instagram post proving that I'm a liar. And my dad came back. You know, since nothing bad happened to his reputation. And Sasha. Well Sasha stopped with the act. She stopped being the Bitch everyone expected her to be and was actually pleasant to be around. She is now our highschool sweetheart, always smiling and being nice. It's good to see how things can turn around for someone.

"Libby there's a new video!" Luke calls as I rush into the room, Oreos and popcorn in my arms.

"I wonder what crazy shit she's come up with this time," I smirk as I sit on his lap and stuff an Oreo into my mouth. He presses play and we watch as a messy haired Coral pops up. She looks horrible. The airport probably charged her more for the bags underneath her eyes when she flew to Hawaii. Her clothes are stained and you can tell that she hasn't had a proper wash in a while.

"They all hate me. Everyone at my school found out about the lies that came out of my own twin sister's mouth. I fucking love her to the moon and back and she did this to me. She turned everyone against me," Luke and I chuckle as she rants on how she was told to not tell anyone about Todd by a gorrilla. Harambe I guess it was. She proceeded to say that the gorrilla looked a lot like me and that she was high whilst she saw this. So basically, when she was high on drugs, I came to her in a form of a gorrilla and told her not to tell anyone about Todd. Sounds about right doesn't it?

"Luke stop," I chuckle as he kisses my neck, pushing the laptop off of my lap. "Look, she's grabbing her hair she's going to rip it off," I struggle to distract him as he trails kisses from my jaw line to my lips, his hands roaming around my body. I moan escapes my lips as reaches my soft spot and he smirks. "Dude. We have to meet Katie at the park today before she leaves, we can't do this," I chuckle as he looks at me.

"We've been together for like, 7 months and we haven't had sex," he groans, rolling off the bed.

"I want it to be special. Even though I'm not a virgin, this is my first time with you. It has to mean something," he sighs and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Ok. We'll wait then," he smiles.

Luke's POV
She's smart. She is. I understand that after Justin she would wait until she knows that I'm serious about us. After her and Justin had sex for the first time, he dumped her and went for Sasha. But I would never do that. There isn't another Libby about there. There isn't another girl who burps and farts like she does. She's one of a kind. And I love that about her.

"I don't want to go," Katie whispers, tears streaming down her face. I've never seen Katie like this. Sure, she's had breakdowns and panic attacks but never in front of me. Never in front of anyone but Libby I guess. She says it makes her look weak. And she isn't weak, she's strong. We all know that. "There's too many bad memories back in Kingston. As soon as I return I'm Queen B again. Don't get me wrong that's amazing, but not when you have your parents and the rest of The Elite breathing down your neck,"

"Katie. You're one of the strongest girls I know. You power through anything that life hits you with, you've gone days without taking your pills and you were fine. The stress of tests and social events doesn't affect you because you're Katie Darlington. Nothing affects you," Libby smiles, pulling Katie into a hug.

She sniffs and looks up at me, "I could really use some McDonald's, its going to be the last time I have a burger anyways,"

"Sure. I'll be right back," I smile, walking towards the road behind the park. The road was very hidden, and was closed off for quite a while. No cars went down there, only a few people walked through it to her to their destinations. So it's surprises me to find police cars there, since nothing eventful ever happened. But then I saw them. The bright yellow eyes and blooded fangs. The Blooded Fangs has a new way of being known, I guess the mask was in the way when they fought other gangs.

A man in a suit walks down the road, his head down at his phone. Two people with black hoodies on walk towards him, bumping his shoulder as they walk past. It's an attack. Before I'm even able to turn around and walk away, I feel and hand on my shoulder. "Don't. Move," the voice says as we watch the man in the suit turn around and shout at the two in the hoodies.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! You vermins just-" he pauses when one of them turns around, revealing the yellow eyes and fangs, I knew it was Stacey. What makes this even scarier is that vampires don't exsist, and seeing people in black hoodies and yellow eyes is never a good thing to see. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't-" he pauses once again as more gang members get out of the police cars and walk towards him. Stacey looks in my direction and smirks before whispering to the man,

"Fear The Blooded Fangs," and stabbing him. My eyes widen as her attention is now on me once again, and she walks towards me, a smirk plastered on her face. "Tell anyone what you just saw and I'll kill you,"

I nod and run back to Libby and Katie, watching as Katie's smile falters when she spots that my hands are empty. "They were closed today. For some reason," Katie nods whilst Libby raises her eyebrow, she clearly doesn't believe me.

"Well I'll be off then, my mum is probably losing her mind, wondering where I am," Katie sighs before giving us both a hug. "I'll miss you guys. So much," and it actually brought tears to my eyes to see her go. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't have been dared to date in the first place, and we wouldn't be together right now. If it wasn't for her, our lives wouldn't be as entertaining as it is now. Katie was a significant person in our lives and she's gone. But Libby is all the entertainment I need. She's my everything.

"And she just stabbed him?" Libby whispers as we settle down on the couch. She had managed to get the truth out of me and was taking as calmly as I thought she would. "Well that just ruined the night I had planned,"

"What?" I question as she leads me upstairs. Rose petals dotted the floor and bed as candles were lit around the room, a bucket of ice and wine sat on her nightstand and a song was playing in the background.

"Tonight was supposed to be our night. But you're too shook about what happened to even to even do anything,"

"Woah, woah, woah, woah. I never said that I couldn't do anything. And maybe this might make me feel better," I smirk, staring at her green orbs.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

We lay beside each other, panting as I reach for her hand.

"Zack was right. You are a screamer,"


Thank you so much for taking this journey with me you guys. Never in a million years would I ever think that I would be in the What's Hot section. I never thought that I could had 165K+ reads. But because of you, I do. And I love you guys so much for making my dream come true.

I had a lot of good feedback about Camp Lakewash, so I'll carry on writing it.

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