8. New Kid

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"If I knew auditions were going to be the next day after school I wouldn't have wasted our time at lunch yesterday. OR today," I say as we walk towards the auditorium. It was 3:30, meaning that everyone had left school half an hour ago, leaving us and the few other couples auditioning for the play left in the school building.

"I could've been at Subway getting the new chipotle wrap. But no. We were wasting our time at the auditorium, to be told that auditions were after school," Luke spits as he opens the door.

"Dude I'm sorry. We can get the wrap after this," I shrug as we walk towards Mrs Bennett, ignoring Sasha who was currently glaring daggers at us. "We're here to audition for the part of Nicole and Blake," I say as she writes our names down.

"Cool, sing this song on stage and then you can leave," she shrugs as she passes us sheets. We make our way to the stage and turn on our microphones. "Please bear in mind that there will be no second chances. This song will not be used in the musical but is a perfect example of singing as a duet. Begin," she smiles.

I take a deep breath as the music starts, running a hand through my hair.

"Little do you know, how I'm breaking while you fall asleep, little do you know, I'm still haunted by the memories, little do you know I'm tryna pick myself up piece by piece, little do you know I, need a little more time," I sing as Luke stares at me. To be honest this is the first time he's heard me sing properly. When I was around him, I would just shout the lyrics, not caring how my voice would sound.

It's soon Luke's turn to sing and my eyes widen at how good he is. I already knew he was good but. Dude.... It sounded fucking awesome! It was like nothing else mattered at the moment and he could just relax. He closes his eyes as he carries on singing, getting lost within the moment.

"BRAVO! BRAVO!" Mrs Bennett shouts as we soon finish. My breath hitches as I realise how close me and Luke are, not realising that we were moving closer and closer towards each other as we sang. "I'll let you guys know tomorrow if you got the parts," she smiles as we walk off stage.

"You guys won't get the parts you know? That was shitty. Well, Libby was. Luke you were so good," Sasha smirks as she puts a finger on his chest. "Maybe you can sing for me later? Privately," she smiles, ignoring my exsistence.

"Or maybe I can just break your nose? Fix it up a little bit," I smile sweetly before grabbing Luke by the arm and walking away.

"Libby. Are you jealous?" Luke asks as he stares at me.

"No. I just need you to keep your dick in your pants for the next three months," I shrug as he starts the car.

"Sure little Louis. Sure," he smirks as he carries on driving.

"I swear this is like the third new kid this month what is up with this school?" I question as me and Katie walk towards our lockers.

"The real question is what is up with your outfit? I'm fucking freezing!" Katie exclaims. I look down at my outfit and shrug. I was currently wearing a red crop top with the number '86' on it and white shorts.

"This is L.A. It's always hot, besides, I have a cardigan in my bag," I shrug as she dramatically shivers.

"Whatever Louis," she smirks as I playfully hit her on the arm.

"Miss Alanis you know the school dress code," Miss Asston says as she walks towards me. We called her Miss Asston behind her back. Her name was actually Miss Ashton.

"Yeah. Girls have to cover up every inch of their bodies because if boys see my shoulder they get a boner," I spit whilst folding my arms over my chest.

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