25. The Performance

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I don't want to go. I don't. I don't want to face him after the argument we've just had. I don't want to face him at all. I'm scared that I'll just forgive him and forget what he did and what he said. Not even what he said yesterday but what he's said in the past. Besides, making up with him won't mean anything. With Coral coming back all that'll happen is that he'll ignore me and she'll go back to what she always did before.

But the thing is... Luke and I can't split up. We can't. We've been through so much he can't just leave me like that. He won't. So I guess I'll just forgive him. And hope Coral doesn't mess it up.

Because that hasn't happened before.

I climb up the ladder to get to the roof of our spot, cursing as I walk into some sort of fabric.

"Seriously? You made a maze?," Luke knew I hated mazes ever since 'The Incident'. Let's just say I ended up with my clothes ripped, bloody knees, a whole new perspective of Spongebob and three new animal friends. Oh, and I got trapped in the maze for 5 hours because Luke spotted a hot chick.

Schmoopie: Just do it.

Me: Sorry, I didn't know you represented Nike.

Schmoopie: How funny.

Me: Thank you.

Schmoopie: I was being- Forget it.

Me: 😊😁

"Lets get this over and done with," I mutter as I walk through the first path, reading the sign on the wall.

Did you die recently? Cos you look like an angel.

I roll my eyes and chuckle as I turn right, standing before the next sign. "You know, you're telling me where to go with the signs, so this isn't really a maze," I smirk.

Schmoopie: Shut up and read the sign.

I put my phone away and read the sign.

Out of all your curves, your ass is my favourite.

"It's smile douchebag!" I laugh.

Schmoopie: I'm pretty sure it's your ass.

I shake my head before walking to the next sign and roll my eyes.

It seems that you've been hurt by a jerk, and I just wanted to know if McDonald's would be a start to mend your heart?

"It would," I smile before turning left and standing face to face with Luke and a Mcdonald's doggy bag.

"I'm sorry," he pulls me into a tight hug and doesn't let go for a while, clearly enjoying the feeling of my body against his. But it's ok. I enjoy the feeling too.


He ate most of my chips but that didn't matter. He's here. With me. And that's all that matters. The way the sun makes his blue eyes seen lighter and how the sun seems to reflect all his features. And it's not even his looks. It's him, it's just him! Luke Hunt is Luke Hunt and that's why I'm so attracted.

He's just himself. No matter how stupid, filthy or pathetic he looks or acts, I'll always be attracted to him in some way. And that scares me. He could completely break my heart but I'd still care for him, and I'd still love him. Thinking that he'd fallen in love with me was the biggest highlight of my day because then I could fall in love with him and he wouldn't have to find out. But I haven't fallen in love. And neither has he. Neither of us are safe. Love works in mysterious ways and this is one of them. I just hope we don't get hurt.

But when does that happen? When does love spare us and leave us both unharmed? Never.

Luke's POV
Her eyes were greener than ever. The sun was doing this on purpose. The sun lit up all of her features, her perfect plump lips, her pearly white teeth and those cheek bones, God those cheekbones were gorgeous. She's staring too. She's staring at me. I'm just hoping she feels the same way because I'm inches from just falling for her. She licks her lips, Oh God why did she have to lick her lips, as she tucks a hair behind her ear.

"This dare brought us closer you know. I never would've looked at you the way I look at you right now if it wasn't for Katie," I smirk.

"Yeah. That crazy Brit," she laughs. "I'm going to miss her when she leaves this summer," she frowns.

"Same. She's amazing. But not as amazing as you," I whisper. Libby leans in, her eyes closed as I lean closer too, my heart racing. But of course, the moment was ruined.

"Sorry, I just got a text from Lucy, we have to be at school now," Libby says sheepishly as she gets up. I nod before getting up and packing up our mess.

Damn you Lucy. Damn you.

We danced, acted and sang our hearts out, taking multiple breaks and pausing for multiple technology difficulties. So basically, the night so far is going shitty. But hey, I'm spending it with my favourite girl so what more could you ask for.

We get ready for the last scene, chugging down our water bottles and practising our lines. The last scene is extremely significant and if we mess it up, no matter how popular we are, we become the laughing stock of the school. And that can't happen. It won't. I rub my clammy hands on the side of my jeans as Libby chats away to Katie, not an ounce on nervousness filling her body. At least I don't think.

We finally receive our cue to go on stage and begin to sing the song, staring into each others eyes as we walk closer and closer towards each other.

Libby: Feeling it, loving it, everything that we do.

Me: And all along I knew I had something special with you.

Libby: But sometimes you gotta know that these fall through.

Me: But I'm still tied and I can't hide, my connection with you.

Together: Feeling it, loving it, everything that we do,
And all along I knew I had something special with you,
But sometimes you just gotta know that these things fall through
But I can't hide my connection
With youuuuu

The song is coming to an end and all I can see is Libby and no one else. All I can see is her beautifully curled hair, and her plump pink lips. The smell of vanilla wafts in the air and I know it's her. I know it's the smell that I want to smell for the rest of my life.

Together: Till the day I die

And then we kissed. And then I realised something.

Libby won. She won the bet.

I'm in love, with Libby Alanis.


Anywhoo, I'm finally uploading on an actual Saturday instead of at 3 o clock, Sunday morning. So that's a change 😁.

Shout out to abi_black_grace your comments cracked me up and you and others have been blowing up my notifications but I've seen you most! ❤

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Kayla :)

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