9. Tutoring

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"Dude it's been so long since we've done something like this," I smile as we walk into Wal-Mart, hand in hand.

"I know right? We were naughty 7 year olds weren't we?" Luke smirks as we go into the electronic section.

"Where's the closest socket?"

"I don't know, look for one,"

"What do you think I'm doing dipshit?"

"Ouch. That hurt,"

"Found one!" I grin as I plug the stereo in and put in the cd.

"Ready to get into a shit ton of trouble?" Luke smiles.

"Born ready," I smirk as I press play and put the stereo up at full volume.

Right now, lick it good,
Suck this pussy just like you should,
My neck,
My back,
Lick my pussy and my crack

The song echoes through the building as Luke and I prance around the store. I shout the lyrics as I grab a can of whipped cream and start spraying it on Luke, spraying a bit of it into my mouth. Luke smirks as he opens a packet of popcorn and begins to throw it at me, ignoring the fact that security was heading towards us.

"Eat dust bitches!" Luke shouts as we run through the aisles, picking up stuff and throwing it in the security guard's direction. The song ends and Niki Minaj's 'Anaconda' starts playing. I giggle as Luke stops and starts twerking. "THIS IS MY ANTHEM!" he screams before he's tackled by one of the security guards.

"Easy way or the hard way?" one of the other security guards ask.

"Hard way," I smirk as I sprint past him, continuously throwing stuff in his direction. "SHIT!" I groan as I bump into one of the other security guards.

"Back again so soon Luke and Libby?" one of the police officers says as we sit in our cell. We've made quite a reputation with the cops of Preston and not a good one to be completely honest. You thought this was our first rodeo? Hell no.

Me and Luke are the trouble makers of this town. We've been sent to the police station for trespassing, public nudity (Don't ask), public disturbance and the list goes on. We've pretty much reserved our spots in that cell.

"Libby?" a voice says. I look up and stare at the blonde boy with the shaggy hair in front of us.

"Zack? What are you doing here?" I question as I feel Luke squeeze my hand. "He's the new boy," I tell him as he glares at Zack.

"My dad works here. W-Why are you here? And why are you with Luke he's trouble," Zack frowns as I snort.

"Damn right he's trouble," I smirk as Luke glares at me.

"We're partners in crime," Luke smiles as he ruffles my hair. I wave his hands away as I try my best to neaten my hair.

"Oh... cool," Zack shrugs, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow. If they let you out that is," Zack says before walking away from us.

"What a weird little dude," Luke sighs as he puts an arm over my shoulder.

"I still can't believe you. I thought you matured," my mom mutters as she stuffs files into her bag, "like seriously? Public disturbances in Wal-Mart? You're 16. Grow up," she huffs as I spoon another spoonful of froot loops into my mouth.

"I'll grow up when the world runs out of Oreos," I shrug as I gulp down the remaining milk and put the bowl into the sink.

"So never," my mom frowns. I smile broadly and nod as I kiss her on the cheek.

"Later hater," I smirk as I leave the house ready for another day in hell. School.

"I will shove my foot up your ass if you don't stop doing that," I pant as I run beside Luke. Yep you guessed it. It's another early morning where I'm forced to run around a track with this annoying ass idiot.

"You love me too much to do that," Luke smiles as he nudges me, "look, it's that weird Zack dude from the police station," Luke says as he points in Zack's direction. He's running toward us, God knows why, grinning his ass off.

"Hey!" he pants as he finally makes it over to us. We both reply with a simple 'Hi' as he catches his breath. "I didn't know you did track," he says as he looks at Luke's arm which had seemed to have found itself around my waist. I look at Luke and frown as he tightens his grip.

"Well now you know," he says through gritted teeth, "now if you excuse me as have some running to do,"

I don't get a chance to say anything as Luke grabs my hand and speeds off, leaving Zack behind us.

"Dude what was that? He was being nice," I exclaim as he sits down at the bleachers.

"I know his type. He's not nice and not the type of guy you want," Luke growls.

"Well if it makes anything better I'm not attracted to him," I lie. What did you expect me to say? "Luke, I plan to go straight over to his house and kiss the fuck out of him when these three months are over,"

"Good. Because God knows what he wants to do to you. To be honest, I don't even know why he finds you attractive. I mean. What is that," Luke smirks, featuring to my face. I glare at him before storming off, ignoring him shouting my name.

"So I was thinking that maybe we should start the tutoring session right away. You know, since you're waiting for Luke to finish at football practise," Zack shrugs as we walk down the hall. It's 3:10 and the building is almost empty. Most of the girls are probably drooling of Luke, watching him play football. We had just come from our last period when my science teacher told me that I would have to tutor Zack as he was a new student and wasn't up to date with what we were doing. I agreed of course, my science teacher scares the living shit out of me and I wouldn't dare disobey him. Besides, he wasn't asking me to tutor him, he was telling me to.

"Uh... sure," I say giving him a small smile as we reach the Library. We take a seat in the booth at the edge of the Library, before getting out our notes and books.

"Why are you with Luke?" he asks all of a sudden. His eyes are ridden with anger and confusion as he stares at my shocked expression.

"I love him. We do everything together, without him my life wouldn't be complete," I shrug. It was true. Luke was everything to me. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be the person I am today.

"You could do so much better," Zack whispers, putting a hand on my knee and staring at me.

"Like who?" I question, as if I didn't already know the answer.

Preston High. The home to many, many fuckboys. Almost every pick up line has been used on me. I know every technique there is. I swear in our sex and education lessons we were taught how to spot a fuck boy from a mile away. Okay yeah, I was completely wrong about this one but now I see it. Although I feel like he really and truly has a deep regard for me, I'm not interested. Anymore. That technique has been repeatedly used in me for the past three years I've been at this high school. I'm not stupid.

"Me, but I pray that you don't fall in love with me. You see, I have 'commitment' issues," he smirks. Oh I can really see it now.

"I'm pretty sure you don't need a prayer for that because I only bang guys with a dick bigger than a crayon," I say whilst getting up and strutting out.

I'm kind of ashamed of this chapter so I might post another one to redeem myself.

Shout out to Becky-reader for being extremely supportive!

So that was their first tutoring session... there's more to come don't sweat.

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Kayla :)

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