31. The Truth

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Luke's POV
"So how'd she do it?" Katie says, her arms folded across her chest, her foot tapping against the floor. "I'm waiting," she spits, looking me up and down. That British accent makes her sound extremely intimidating.

"Hey Coral, you seen Libby? I need to tell her something," I say, fiddling with my fingers. Today is the day I'm going to tell Libby. Today is the day she'll find out that I love her. And hopefully she loves me too.

"Um, I think she was with Katie... Why?" She raises an eyebrow and I look down and blush, running a hand through my hair.

"I'm going to tell her. I'm going to tell her that I love her. And hopefully we can be together even after the three months," something flashes in her eyes but it disappears shortly before she smiles at me.

She takes a deep breath before grabbing my hand, "Let's check upstairs, I know it's only been an hour but she's probably already drunk and throwing up in a bathroom," she chuckles, leading me up the stairs.

After opening multiple doors, we can't seem to find Libby, not in the bathroom, or in any of the rooms. I take a seat on the bed as Coral locks the door and turns to face me. "She told you didn't she?" her voice was barely a whisper. "I swear I hate her so much for this," she cries, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm not sure what you mean,"

"SHE WASN'T RAPED! TODD DIDN'T DO ANYTHING SHE'S A LIAR!" she sits down beside me.

"Libby isn't like that,"

"She's the jealous type though. She knows that we have a connection, she knows that we're in love. So she made this up so you would hate me and we wouldn't be the three musketeers anymore," I can't believe what I'm hearing. L-Libby actually lied to me.

"When she cheated on you with Zack. She told him that when the dare was over, she was going to be with him. She felt sorry for you Luke. She never wanted to be your friend, she never wanted to be anything to you. Ask Zack yourself. She's a heartless Bitch," a tear rolls down my cheek and Coral wipes it away, staring deeply into my eyes. "She hurt you. So let's hurt her back. She deserves it. Doesn't she?" she unzips the costume, revealing her naked body. "Don't be shy,"

End of flashback.

"You. Fucking. Dickhead," Katie spits, hitting me after every word. "She shows you her tits and you believe her?!"

"Dude, stop! Coral was right. If you don't believe her then you're as stupid as anyone else who doesn't believe her. Get your head out of your ass and open your eyes,"

Libby's POV
"Hey Justin," I chuckle as he walks towards me, Sasha watching from behind him, glaring daggers at me. At the Halloween Party, she wore a gorrila costume, with a blonde wig and a bright pink bikini and attempted to serenade Justin. Well, that's what Katie told me anyways, I was busy watching my sister getting it on with my boyfriend. Well, ex boyfriend.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to wear my jersey tomorrow, you know, since you can't wear Luke's and the game is tomorrow," he scratches the back of his neck and looks down.

"Its kind of awkward since you're his brother, but I'll wear it anyways, I'll be cheering you on," I smile as he passes me his jersey. He plants a kiss on my cheek before walking off, leaving me blushing profusely. I stuff it into my bag and make my way to the cafeteria, spotting Katie, Liam and Joe sitting in our usual spot. "Hey dudes," I mutter as I sit down.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE!" I roll my eyes at the irritating sound of my sister's voice, turning around to face her. "I have something to say about your little friend. Libby," she smirks, looking at me. Katie stands up but I sit her back down, gripping her wrist. "She was sooo jealous of me. She lied about being raped by Todd. You guys remember Todd right?" we hear a chorus of 'yeahs' and 'Todd was a jerk'. "She told Luke that he raped her and that I made fun of her for that. And none of that actually happened. Not a single bit of it," everyone turns to face me and boo and jeer, a few throwing their lunch at me.

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