16. Breathe

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"I can't breath," I pant looking around the room.


"Luke, I-I can't breath! W-What's happening to me make it stop!"

"You have to calm dow-"

"I can't even- AHH! Why does it hurt so much-"

"Libby calm down-"

"I can't! I-I can't I- AHHH! Please make it stop, make it stop... Luke!"

"Luke's not here to save you... He never was. I'm back now. Luke's mine and he's mine forvever," Coral smirks, twisting the knife that was currently in my stomach. "You may have won the battle... But I've won the war,"

"Libby calm down," Luke says in a soothing tone as I hyperventilate. Its impossible to calm down when the star of your nightmares is soon returning from boarding school. Coral can't come back. She can't. I won't be able to carry on. It took months- No, years to be the person I am today to build my confidence back up. She was my tormentor, my bully, my sister. Hearing my own twin sister's name sends shivers down my spine. I'm terrified of her.

And Luke's best advice for me right now?


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