22. Dance

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AN: I feel like I haven't really incorporated the fact that she's a dancer much with this story. Although it isn't an extremely important factor to this story but I want to incorporate it more now. So anyone who is interested in dance or whatever there will be a lot more in this book I think. :)

I'm livid. I'm so angry words can't even explain how angry I am. Yes, I was sad at first, heartbroken. But now I'm mad. At myself mostly. I let him back in, I gave him a place in my heart that I never should've given him and he destroyed me. A little part of me is gone. I'm once again that 14 year old girl who stares at her father's retreating figure because of her mistake. She doesn't miss the fact that her twin sister was beside him. Glaring at her before sitting inside the car and mouthing the words 'You will regret this,'. But I need to get over myself. I'm not 14 and vulnerable anymore. I'm a strong 16 year old who will get over the fact that her father has left her. And I'll do that through dance.

Since I have the keys to the dance studios, I bunked first and second period so I could have a few hours to myself. I ignore the constant calls and text I'm receiving and turn on the music. The song plays 'Meet me on the Battle Field' and I smile. I practise turns at first, doing a few pirouettes and then moving on to doing some leaps. I stop before choreographing a dance routine to the music smiling as I love freely across the space. When the music comes to an end I hear clapping. I turn to face the smirking face of Justin Hunt. I roll my eyes and walk over to my Nike duffle bag for a drink. I was expecting Luke. I want Luke.

"Luke's not in today, he's sick," Justin sighs, as if reading my thoughts. I nod and place my bottle back into my bag.

"So why are you here? I mean, we've still got another 45 minutes until Coach and the rest of the guys are here," I say before Justin sighs and sits beside me.

"I broke up with Sasha and then noticed that you weren't in. So I came here, since this is the only place you would go to," I nod, internally smirking as my plan was working. I was going to humiliate Sasha.

"Well you found me," I breathe, playing with my hands. It had been a while since I'd been in a room alone with Justin. Normally he'd approach me in the hallways where other people were but it was just us. I'm not going to deny the fact that I may have small feelings for him. But if I had a chance to, I wouldn't take him back.

"What's wrong?" he inches closer towards me, staring at me. I shake my head and chuckle, looking down at my hands.

"Nothing. I'm being dramatic,"

"Try me," I turn to face him and lick my lips. What? They were chapped. "He left again. My dad. I thought he would stay for good this time. I thought he would try and cherish his time with me, try and rekindle the relationship we used to have. But I guess not eh?" I laugh a bit, "and my anger management guide won't leave me alone. I haven't been going for the past weeks,"

"That sucks. It really does. Every child needs both parents and you don't have that. But you still managed to be the confident strong woman you are today. Without him. You went through a breakup, you went through multiple breakdowns and lashing outs and still manage to be here today. You've gone through so much shit and you haven't given up. Your father being gone won't have an effect on your life, trust me. Because sitting before me is a girl who is more than capable of taking care of herself. Father or no father," he smiles, standing up and walking over to the CD player. He turns on the song, 'Eyes Shut by Years and Years' and holds out his hand. "Let's practise,"

I stand up and take his hand, getting into the first position of me sitting cross legged on the floor. I perform a series of moves before feeling Justin's calloused fingers on my body, lifting me up and spinning me.

No matter how much I don't want it to, a smile appears on my face. I feel.... I feel free. I feel like when I'm dancing there's no one else around me but me and my partner. Or me when I dance solo. But for those few minutes, nothing else matters but the way I express art through my body movements. And it feels good.

It really does.

Because this is quite short I'm publishing this on a Thursday and will publish my next chapter on Saturday.

Shoutout to ReadandReadandlove because her comments made me laugh so hard for some reason idk 😂❤

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Kayla :)

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