4. Going Public

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I stuff more popcorn into my mouth, engrossed in a new Teen Wolf episode, as Luke sits beside me, probably bored out of his mind. "Do it. Do it. Take it off," I whisper to myself as Colton Haynes plays with the bottom of his shirt. "AND THE SHIRT COMES OFF. SWEET BABY JESUS!" I shout as his hard rock abs are revealed.

"Libby.... Libs," Luke whines as I wave him off and continue watching. "We need to think of a plan," he says, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"Plan for what?" I question, mouth filled with chewed up popcorn. Lock up your boyfriends, the very attractive and very well mannered Libby is here!

Note sarcasm.

"Our relationship! You know, the backstory and our nicknames. Or how much I think about you whilst I sleep and what our kids' name will be." Luke explains.

"Dude... That's so... cringy. I-I had no idea you had that in you," I frown, concerned for my dear friend. He throws popcorn at me before pausing Teen Wolf. I groan as he does so and turn to face him.

"Besides, this could be the way to get back at Sasha and Justin. They're both super jealous and would do anything to maintain their cutest couple crown," Luke shrugs.

"And we're going to come up and snatch it away from them," I smirk as Luke nods. "I like how you think Hunt,"

"Thank you Alanis," he replies.

We spend the night plotting and planning, waiting for the day to come when we show up, hand in hand, officially 'dating'.

Man I can't wait to see their reactions!

"Your duckface is horrible bro," I wince as Luke attempts to do the duckface.

We're currently sitting in my bedroom trying to master the art of taking couple selfies. I'm amazing at doing them by myself but with this egotistical jerk. It's impossible.

"Your hair looks weird in that one. Delete it," Luke criticizes as he points at one of our selfies on the camera roll. I glare at him as I delete the selfie, hoping to get him back for that later. "Try again," he says as I pick up the my phone and hold it horizontally.

"Kiss my cheek or something. Make it seem like we're a couple," I say, ignoring Luke's smirk as he plants his lips on my cheek. Not even going to lie and say that butterflies weren't in my stomach. He has kissed me on the cheek before but.. But it's never felt like this.

I smile broadly before taking the picture. We both stare at it for a while before looking at each other.

"We're goals," Luke smirks as he takes my phone and uploads the picture to Instagram. He captions it, 'Glad we're finally together babe,'. He sends it to himself before doing the same.

"People are already commenting," I laugh as I check my notifications.

'No way,'
'This has to be fake'
'Nice one Luke'
'I had dibs'
'He'll fuck you and never call you again"
'Wait till Justin finds out'
'Ooh, wait till school Monday'

"Damn," Luke exclaims as he reads the comments.

"I think they're just surprised that my standards are extremely low. You know, since I'm 'dating' you," I tease as Luke smirks. He leans in towards me, my cheeks turning red as he stops near my ear.

"Baby you know I'm sexy," he purrs before planting a kiss on my cheek and sitting back down.


Luke's POV
"You look extremely classy today," I smirk as Libby walks over to me. She's wearing a white short sleeved shirt, a Burberry skirt and cream heels. She shrugs as she puts a hand on my shoulder to balance herself as she readjusts her shoes.

"I thought I should try and look more like a woman, rather than a hairy caveman," she smiles as she pokes my cheek, "a hairy caveman like you," she giggles, causing me to release the laugh I was so desperately trying to hold in.

"Pick up lines before we go in?" I offer, remembering I had this amazing one but forgot to say it the other day. She nods as she prepares herself. "You know why I am like a squirrel? Cause I want to bury my nuts in you," I smirk, watching as she blushes furiously. "You blush at that one?! I told you I wanted slam you on a table and do you all night long and there was no reaction. Now that I want to bury my nuts in you, you're all red?" I say surprisedly.

She begins to giggle uncontrollably, it was cute I'm not going to lie, as I grab her hand and lead her into school. "I'll give you mine at lunch," she says as we walk up the stairs, fingers intertwined.

"YOU'RE GOING TO GIVE ME YOUR NUTS AT BREAK?!" I exclaim, staring at her.

"My pick up line doofus," she laughs as we push the double doors open.

I guess the sight was kind of shocking. We were both beaming like crazy and our fingers were interlocked. We seemed so happy together. We normally did when we were just friends but I guess this was a different type of happy since it attracted the attention of every single student in the hall.

Libby's POV
Oh my God stop staring. Leave us alone. This is petrifying.

My thoughts swallow me whole as we walk towards our lockers, attracting every student's attention. I watch as some of Sasha's goons glare at me, causing me to give them the stank face and flip my hair. I guess Luke saw that since he starts to chuckle. I look up at his bright blue eyes and laugh too. It feels so weird. I mean. Come on. I'm holding my best friend's hand. In a loving kind of way. I ignore Katie who is currently standing in a corner, laughing her ass off. Damn girl it isn't that funny.

We reach our lockers and release each others' hands. I'm not going to lie, I miss the feeling off Luke's warm hand against mine. I take out all the books I need and hold them to my chest. "I'll hold them," Luke smiles as he takes them from me.

"That was extremely kind of you. What's up?" I say knowingly. Luke's never nice. Come on. It's Luke Hunt. The whole generation of Hunts are known for their rudeness.

"Come on dude, we're dating now. I have to be nice," Luke says in a 'duh' tone. I roll my eyes before turning around to find myself facing the Queen Bitch.

"I think we need to call animal control babe. There's a gorrila out of it's cage," I smirk as Luke high fives me.

"I know this is some revenge plan to make me jealous. It won't work," Sasha spits as she looks me up and down.

"This isn't fake. We're actually dating because we're in love," I smile as I look at Luke. He smiles back before facing Sasha.

"Then kiss," she demands, crossing her arms over her chest.

Shit we didn't talk about kissing.

"We don't have to show a public display of affection just to prove that we love each other. Everyone else can already see it. Why can't you?" Luke questions.

Thank the good Lord for Luke Hunt.

Her jaw clenches before she storms away, flipping us off as she does so.

She's totally not jealous.

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Kayla :)

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