Misplaced Items and Good Luck Charms

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hey hey hey remember what i talked to you about Child

Ladybug was perched on the roof of a random house, the wind blowing in her face and making her ribbons endlessly flow behind her. It was her night to take watch tonight; and it had gotten even more boring than the last time she had patroled the streets (well, technically rooftops) of Paris.

Chat Noir would probably be asleep now-- he was extremely tired the last time she saw him. (So was Adrien that day, but her mind skipped over that tiny detail). She was exauhsted as well, but someone had to take watch while the other someone took a well deserved rest.

Speak of the devil, suddenly the cat himself appeared behind her, his signature smirk on his face and a bracelet on his wrist that Ladybug had never noticed he wore before. "My lady," He bowed dramatically, the smirk not disappearing from his face. "I thought you looked lonely sitting on this roof alone. Would you care for some company?"

She knew he wouldn't take no for an answer, and no signs of being tired were evident in his expression. "Stay, if you want." She said after a moment, sitting cross legged on the roof, patting the space next to him. "I was about to leave anyways; I'm pretty sure nothing's going to happen tonight."

His smirk turned into smile. He plomped himself down closer to Ladybug than she wanted-- close enough for him to give her a kiss. The bracelet on his wrist seemed out of place with the black spandex suit he was wearing, but Ladybug still wasn't able to see what it was clearly because of sheer exauhstion. It had... colors?

"Chat?" She started, biting her lip to stifle a yawn. Chat Noir's ears perked up slightly (Ladybug loved his smiliarities to cats; she keeps on forgetting to bring a lazer pointer to their watches).


"The bracelet." She said, pointing to the thing on his wrist. "What is that?" He had moved his wrist up to her face so she could see it, and after blinking a bit, she almost fell off the 13 foot high roof.

It was her charm. Her good luck charm. The one she had given to Adrien all those moons ago. But how did.. how did Chat have it? Wait. It can't be...

"A friend of mine gave it to me some time ago."


"I keep on forgetting to give it back; I'm starting to grow attached to it."

No, no, no, no, no.

"If what you said is true; that there's no point in staying here. I think I might give it back to her tonight."


He got up, wiping off non-exixtent dust from his pants. He looked at her, smiling serenly. "Adieu, my lady." Chat said, taking out his staff and extending it, ready to jump off. "I'll see you."

Well fuck.

part one bc im to lazy to write part two rn.
ya'll better go see this video because 1) i love hamilton and 2) im writing
a series of one shots on this oops

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