Misplaced Items and Good Luck Charms (pt. 2)

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Marinette had gotten home before Chat-- Adrien, had. She had barely just enough time to de-transform and collapse into her swirly chair when the black cat himself, appeared on the windowsill, his hand clutched tightly around the bracelet.

Marinette pretended not to notice, sitting up straight. "Mari?" The cat said softly, sitting cross legged on the windowsill. "You awake?"

She nodded, turning around. "Chat?" She asked wearily, pretending to act tired (which actually wasn't so hard, as she really was tired). "W-what are you doing here?"

He jumped off the window, into the room, and Marinette got up. He walked in front of her; the two were seperated by about a foot. Marinette could hear Tikki's muffled laughter coming from somewhere in the room, but Chat Noir either didn't notice, or was trying to ignore it.

"I-- uhm." He sighed, pausing for moment, trying to figure out what he was going to say. "A friend of mine told me to give you this." He held up the bracelet charm, placing it in her palm. "And I couldn't say no."

Marinette was speechless. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was parted open, slowly forming a small 'o'.  Chat went pale, and the two locked eyes. Marinette's bag shuffled slightly, but Chat, once again, was oblivious.

She couldn't take it anymore, she had just had to say it out loud before she blabbed it to the wrong person. She wasn't very good at keeping secrets, unless it was one of her own.
And that was one of Marinette's fatal flaws.

"Chat." She sighed, sitting herself down on her swirly chair, moving a bit to the right. "I'm sorry. I know you're A--" She was interuppted by her own red and black kawmi flying out of her bag.

"I can't take this anymore!" Tikki's small voice rang out. "The two of you are meant for eachother-- Master Fu said it himself. Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir, and Marinette DupainCheng is Ladybug. Converse."

Chat Noir's ring beeped. Then it beeped again, and again, and again, until finally, a black cat kwami burst out of the now white ring on the now Adrien Agreste's finger. "Finally!" The kwami said dramatically, setting himself down on Marinette's desk. "The suspension was killing me!"

Marinette and Adrien said nothing. They hadn't lost eye contact, the two were just there, staring at eachother like lovesick puppies. A moment of silence passed, then the two surged foward in unison, pulling eachother in for a kiss that lasted for a long time in kiss-time. The two broke apart for air, and stared at eachother, each blinking at least two times.

"Adrien, you're--"

"Marinette, you're--"

The cut themselves off, because to be honest, it was freaky how in unison they were. Adrien then smirked slightly, taking Marinette's palm and stretching it out a bit. He placed the beaded piece of yarn in her hand, and Marinette, still starstruck, didn't look away from Adrien's face.

"Well, at least we know that the good luck charm is lucky."

it's midnight (new york time) and i
apologize for this suckish part two that
i call a chapter wow.
probably have something new up soon!!
carme xoxo

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