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here's another great one by Allianora_Emmalynna mwahhahahaha

After a night of patrolling with his Lady, Adrian felt exhausted. As soon as he detransformed and gave Plagg some cheese, Adrian fell asleep instantly.


Adrian was dreaming, only, it didn't feel like a dream. He was watching something happen from the third person.

Ladybug was there. So was Chronogirl. But there was only one Chronogirl. Wasn't there two?

Chronogirl had just frozen Mylene. "One minute, thirty seconds. You won't be able to stop me where I'm going, Ladybug!"

And then, a familiar silver pole tapped her on the shoulder. It was Chat Noir! But how could that be? Adrian had no memory of this battle... And it was too real to be just a dream...

"So, let me guess, we're all playing cat and mouse and you're the cat?" The Chat Noir taunted.

"Exactly!" Chronogirl grinned. She charged forward towards the cat.

"Don't let her touch you!" Ladybug warned.

Chat, with reflexes like a cat, jumped over Chronogirl as she neared him.

"Missed me by a hair!" He laughed.

Chronogirl saw Alya taking a video of her, presumably for her Ladyblog. Alya ran away, terrified, while Chronogirl grinned and chased after her, eventually freezing her.

"Nooo!" Ladybug cried.

"Holy Meowses!" Chat said. "She doesn't waste time, huh?"

"The more people he freezes, the more time she gains to go further back in the past!" Ladybug explained. "And all those poor students... We can bid them farewell if we don't catch this Akuma!"

Chronogirl's new target was Ivan. Ivan kept running away until he hid behind a tree. Chronogirl leaped towards him, but Ladybug threw her yo-yo to stop her in mid-jump.

"Hand's off, Chronogirl!" Ladybug called.

Chronogirl chuckled to herself, then yanked the yo-yo back, throwing Ladybug towards her. Ladybug hit the concrete, inches away from Chronogirl. She looked up and growled at the Akumatized girl.

A purple, butterfly-shaped outline spread over Chronogirl's face, showing that Hawkmoth was communicating with her. Adrian felt very scared for Ladybug, whatever Hawkmoth was planning was bound to be horrible.

Chronogirl lunged forward to freeze Ladybug, and Ladybug looked terrified. But, when Chronogirl's hand touched down, Chat Noir was the one who froze.

Adrian felt darkness closing in on him, and the last thing he heard was his Lady's voice.

"Chat Noir?! No!!!!"

Adrian woke up, sweaty, shivering, and gasping for breath. He looked down at his hand. It was solid. He was alive.

"What happened to me...?" Adrian spoke quietly to himself.

He would ask Ladybug when he saw her tonight.


Once it became night, Adrian didn't hesitate to transform. The questions about his dream had been bothering him all day.

He found Ladybug waiting for him on the Eiffel Tower.

"You ready to patrol?" Ladybug asked. When he said nothing, she looked concerned. "What's wrong, Chat?"

"I need to talk to you about something." He was too wrapped up inside about the dream to flirt.

Ladybug sat down and patted the spot next to her. "What do you need to talk about?"

"You remember the Chronogirl mission?" Chat asked.

Ladybug giggled. "I don't see how I could forget! What about it?"

Chat looked at her, eyes completely serious. She'd never seen him this serious before. It scared her a bit. "I had a dream about it, but there was only one Ladybug and one Chronogirl."

Ladybug nodded, nervous as to where this conversation was going.

"And in the dream... Chat Noir was killed. He sacrificed himself for Ladybug."

Ladybug avoided eye contact with him, but she didn't look surprised.

"You knew??" Chat's eyes widened.

Ladybug gave a tiny nod. "We have a lot to talk about..."

Chat Noir grabbed her shoulders. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Ladybug turned to face him, slightly furious. "Oh really, Chat? And how would that conversation have gone? 'Oh hey, Chat, how's it going? Glad to see you're not dead!' And it was just better not to tell you."

"Better?" Chat stood up. "I DIED, Ladybug! You had no right to keep it from me!"

"I was not keeping it from you!" Ladybug stood face-to-face with her partner. "I was not keeping it a secret! Don't you remember? I told you to keep her from touching you, that your LIFE DEPENDED ON IT!"

Chat grew silent. "Did it occur to you why I took that bullet for you?"

Ladybug hesitated. "No. At the moment, all I could think of was how much Chronogirl had it coming to her for killing you."

Chat suddenly pulled her into a hug, to hide his tears.

"That's why there were two Ladybugs, two Chronogirls, but only one Chat Noir?" He asked quietly.

Ladybug was startled by the hug at first, but then hugged him back. "Yes, Chat. That's why."

Silence grew between them, and Ladybug felt a liquid running down her suit. At first, she thought it was raining. But as she heard Chat's quiet sobs, she knew it was his tears. She hugged him tighter.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It didn't seem important at the time, because you were alive and fine. But now I see it was important..."

"I forgive you, My Lady."

The hug felt like it lasted an eternity, and there was no way Chat Noir would ever forget about it this time.

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