Lady Wifi. (PART TWO)

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another version of my shitty one shot by the oh-so-great Allianora_Emmalynna hehehe okay but i had to scroll through the bee script i sent to you to do this

Lady Wifi swiped her fingers over her phone and towards Chat Noir, launching a locked icon flying towards him. It hit Chat, throwing him into a freezer behind him, and locking the freezer door behind him.

Chat hit a row of metal shelves inside the freezer, knocking his ring off. Plagg appeared, and Chat detransformed into his civilian form, Adrian.

"Oh no! My ring!" Adrian held up his hand to see it was gone. He had to find it!

Plagg was shivering. "It's chilly in here..."

Adrian ignored how cold it was in the freezer. He had to find his ring. He was on the ground, scouring the floor for his Miraculous.

He heard a faint voice. "I'll get you out of there, Chat Noir!" He recognized it as Ladybug's voice.

"T-take your t-time..." Adrian called in response. He hoped she didn't think he was being sarcastic.

He went back to searching. God, that ring could be anywhere! And he was running out of time, with Ladybug trying to open the door.

Adrian was so cold, and glancing at Plagg, who had little ice shards all over his tiny body, the kwami didn't look any warmer.

Adrian's body begged for rest.  "Maybe... Just...just for a second..."

His eyesight blackened, and completely blackened out just as the freezer door swung open.


Ladybug saw Adrian's unconscious form laying on the floor. She brought her hands to her mouth in a gasp, her mind racing with thoughts and explanations as to why he was in there instead of Chat Noir.

But first things first. Ladybug shook her head to clear her thoughts. She saw the camera and knew she had to cover it with something before she pulled Adrian out of the freezer. She jumped over an placed a metal pot over the purple icon. When she was absolutely sure Lady Wifi's broadcast couldn't see her or Adrian, she raced over to help him.

She dragged the shivering limp body of Adrian out of the freezer. Ladybug noticed two other things inside the freezer. One was a shimmering silver ring. Another was a trembling little black Kwami. Ladybug took both things very carefully.

The Kwami looked up, eyes widening. "Ladybug? Um... Hi! I'm Plagg!"

"Is Adrian really Chat Noir??" Ladybug whispered to the Kwami as she placed him lightly on the counter, with the silver ring right next to him.

The Kwami let out a little sigh. "Yes." Plagg glanced at his Miraculous Holder, who had color slowly returning to his face. "He's Chat Noir."

"I'll deal with this later..." Ladybug muttered to herself. "Plagg, when he wakes up, you need to tell him to transform and use his Cataclysm to destroy the service tower on top of the building."

"I'll tell him," Plagg promised, "But who's to say the kid's waking up anytime soon? I swear, that kid sleeps like the dead..." He muttered.

"Oh, I have an idea." Ladybug said, giving an uncharacteristic, flirty smirk.

She stood up and walked towards Adrian, her head spinning like a tornado. She knelt down and kissed his forehead.

She whispered to him softly. "Wake up, mon chaton noir. They need you."

Ladybug then ran to another room before she detransformed, but also to hide from Adrian's reaction.


"Ahh... Remind me never to vacation in the arctic..." Adrian sat up and rubbed his head. "Wait. Plagg? Where am I?"

"Hmpt. Maybe a vacation to the arctic would earn you another kiss from Ladybug!" He said impatiently, emphasizing on Ladybug.

"Another kiss?" Adrian immediately began freaking out. "What the heck happened? The last thing I remember was getting knocked unconscious... And then... Someone telling me to wake up."

"At least you're not completely clueless..." Plagg muttered. "Anyway, Ladybug wanted me to tell you when you wake up that we need to transform and take out the service tower on the roof to try and take out Lady Wifi's powers."

"Well, then, I suppose there's only one thing to do! Plagg, transform me!"


Once Lady Wifi was back to her normal self as Alya, Ladybug's miraculous beeped urgently. She only had two minutes before detransforming. She ran back inside the hotel, closely followed by Chat Noir.

Ladybug spotted a closet and raced towards it.

"Wait!" Chat called. "Did you see my-"

Ladybug sighed. "Yes. I saw you, Adrian." She replied somberly.

"And what was Plagg talking about with the 'another kiss' stuff?"

Ladybug giggled. "Let's see if this jogs your memory, mon chaton." She leaned forward and kissed his forehead again. Her Miraculous beeped again. "Gotta run!" She ran into the closet and locked the door.

Chat stood there, speechless, wide-eyed and blushing, trying to comprehend what just happened.

Ladybug just kissed him. The girl of his dreams just kissed him! Chat grinned a grin worthy of the Cheshire Cat, and pumped his fists. "Yes!" He whisper-yelled to himself.

Suddenly, his own Miraculous beeped. "Oh, crud!"

He ran away, still blushing from His Lady's kiss.

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