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Sorry i took so long, its not easy typing up from my iPod onto my laptop D:

Thanks for reading this, means a lot. much love. 

p.s Hope you enjoy this chapter got LOAAAAAAAAAAAADS more :)

Kelsey POV :)

When everybody got back to the hotel we all went to get changed and met back at the poolside. Whilst everybody was splashing about, I was on the sun lounger next to Emma on my phone. My dad said he’d ring me to wish me happy birthday, and sure enough he did. I spoke to all of that part of my family; they all hoped I had a good day. Once I’d finished talking I decided to check on twitter and tweet some stuff, see how many followers I had etcetera, etcetera. I had started to follow people back, because I’d gained a couple thousand followers. I then started to look down my timeline and many people were retweeting a couple of things Christian had tweeted.

@Littlecbeadles: you know its #love when you cant stop thinking about how beautiful they are…and how much you want them to be yours

@Littlecbeadles: Your so beautiful and i want you to know that i want to get to know you and hopefully have something with you. yes i just said that publicly

I smiled to myself, hoping he was talking about me. I checked my mentions and saw that a lot of people had asked for follow back and stuff; I retweeted a few of the nice ones and followed some more people back. I clicked on the DM’s button; I had a couple of new ones from people I’d just followed back but there was also one from Christian.

@Littlecbeadles: did you see my tweets?...they were about you.:)

I let out a small giggle, I was so happy that he said all those things but I didn’t feel the need to reply, I’d thank him on our date. I put my phone into my small bag I had brought down and stood up. I looked around and saw everyone quite relaxed by the pool. Nah, not for long, I thought. I took a three or four steps back before running and bombing into the pool in the middle of all my friends.

“WOAH! THAT SCARED ME TO DEATH!” Liam practically screamed in the highest pitch voice he could possibly do. I resurface laughing at the expression on both Amy and Liam’s faces. Amy was perched on the edge of the pool with just her legs dangling in, obviously not wanting to get her hair wet or something, but now her mouth was hanging open and her she was sat dead still staring at me, with water splashed all over her. Whilst Liam was just shocked.

“KELSEY! You got me covered in water!” I heard Emma called from where I was sat before.

“Liam…you just proved you’re a drama queen yet again!” I chuckled, climbing up the steps to the pool.

“I told you that I’m not dramatic” he replied

“Woah! That scared me to death!” I mimicked him and flapped about.

“Shut up”

“I like to talk, if I’m honest”

“That’s it! You guys SHUT UP!” Amy broke in, “And Kels! We need to go get you ready!”

“Sorry, he’s just so annoying!” I folded my arms and sneered at him. She shook her head and looked at Liam.

“She’s the annoying one!” he was stood in the shallow end, water came up to his waist, “Don’t blame me, she started it!” he pointed one finger at me quickly and then threw his hands up in surrender, giving me a death glare.

“ITS RUDE TO POINT!” I shot at him.

“GUYS!” Emma shouted “You’re annoying me now! Jeez.”

Wow, I think this is...Love. - A Christian Beadles Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now