Chapter 2! :D

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*1 hour later*

 *Kelsey's POV (still ;D ) *

“Flight TC0231R44 to -------- now boarding, please go to gate4.”Amy had clamped her hands over my ears so I didn’t hear where we were going. How that girl is annoying sometimes. I pulled a face at her and she laughed, “Come on, that’s us, lets go”

We stood up and grabbed our hand luggage and walked to gate 4.

When we were on the plane, mum bought us some drinks and food, so we were just reading the instructions for if the plane landed in the sea or something, honestly I wasn’t scared of flying and highly doubted it would land in the sea so I read half and put it back in the pocket, and took out the magazine that tells you what films will be playing, all the drinks that will be served and all the items you can buy for cheaper. I flipped to the first page to look at the films, wow, there were 4 films that means a long flight… huh. I shrugged it off and noticed the first film to play would be ‘Justin Bieber: Never Say Never’ I squealed, and Amy looked away from her iPod to look at me, I showed her the magazine and she rolled her eyes. She was definitely not a Belieber, she didn’t hate him, she just disliked him, not the type to look him up and hate on him. Just the one that would turn the radio station off if one of his songs came on. The only song she likes of his is U Smile Acoustic. She’s more of the Indie-Rock type. Whereas I’m more of Rap, Grime, and hip-hop, Chris Brown, Justin Bieber, Lil Wayne, Cali Swag District Etc Etc. That’s the biggest difference between us. Our music taste. That and how different we look although people say we look like sisters. I have dark brown long curlyish hair, that I curl more to make it look decent, chocolate brown eyes, and I personally think I have a big nose, I have an olive skin tone that tans very quick, I about an inch shorter than Amy. Amy has long golden blonde thick hair, dark brown eyes, a small pixie nose, and quite pale skin.

“Come on, watch it with me? Please?” I pouted. She rolled her eyes again, but her eyes snapped to the side as someone sat down next to her. A boy, looked about our age, not bad looking, but not my type, Amy’s. Fairly long brown hair swept to one side and blue eyes. He was wearing a Jervoise Jacket, skinny black jeans and military boots. She turned back to me with her mouth wide open. I mouthed ‘Please don’t have a spaz attack’ to her, she nodded.

“Hey, I think I’ll watch the movie with you actually…” She said, looking back at the guy, she’s hoping he likes the sound of her. She continued “…I know how much you want me to watch it, so I’ll watch it for you, because I’m such a caring person…” At this point I was ready to burst out laughing at how hard she’s trying to impress this Indie kid. I rolled my eyes at her and giggled, she gave me the look that said come-on-Kels-help-me-out-here! “You’re such a kind friend, why thank you Amy” I smiled sarcastically.

The movie was about to start and me and my best friend had plugged our earphones into the sockets and settled down comfortably. Amy turned to see that the Indie kid had gotten up and gone to the toilet, “ZOMG he’s so hot. I love him already, love at first sight Kels, no joke!” I laughed at her, she was so mad sometimes.

“I’m sure it is but you’ll love the Biebs after this film so just sit and watch you crazy person!” She rolled her eyes. The movie started, and every time a song came on, I was mouthing the lyrics to her, but I realised she was bobbing her head along to some of the songs, HAHAHAHA! She’s becoming a Belieber. I was smiling a cheesy grin at her when she realised that she was bobbing her head along and looked at me. She gave me a Shut-it-just-because-I’m-dancing-to-the-song-doesn’t-mean-I’m-turning-belieber-okay look. “You’re such a Belieber Kelsey!” She chuckled,

“Yeah gotta problem?” I winked “Haven’t your taken any notice of my t-shirt today?” I questioned motioning towards my top. “No what’s it o- Justin Bieber isn’t it?”

“Sure is, look, its hot…but not as hot as Christian Beadles” I winked again. She rolled her eyes, “No, you mean, he’s not as hot as Indie kid” She laughed.

“You have him; I’ll have Christian Beadles, mkay?” I giggled,

“Deal” We shook hands and went back to watching the movie, it was the part where Justin was going down the corridor on his Segway. Me and Amy had this thing about Segways, we thought they were totally awesome and as soon as it appeared on the screen, Amy shouted “SEGWAY” really loud. Loud enough for the Indie Kid to take out his earphones, “Did you just shout Segway?” He questioned Aim. She turned around to me and her eyes went wild and wide like she was on drugs. I decided to answer for her, “Yeah, she did, we have this thing about Segways, and she can’t answer because she thinks you’re really hot…so I’m answering for her.” I smiled, his eyes got wide also, “Well, just tell her that I think she’s drop dead gorgeous as well” He winked. Amy finally had the courage to talk to the Indie Kid, “I sincerely apologize for my best friend over there…”

“Ah, it’s okay as long as what she said was true…?” He’s a flirt. I don’t like him if I’m honest. And now Aim had gone into full on flirt mode. Oh God.

“Yes, every word…” she started to fiddle with her hair, “Amy…” she held out her hand. “Sean” He smiled and took her hand and gently shook it. They started to talk a lot, so I tuned out and tuned back into the movie. It was nearly at the end, I decided that I wanted a drink, “Mum…could you get me a coke please?” I turned around and asked my mum. “Yeah, I’ll get the attendants attention, hang on…”

5 minutes later, I was sipping on an ice cold coke. Yummy. The film had finished so I took out my iPod and turned on Favourite Girl by the one and only Justin Bieber. Of course I loved Justin Bieber but Christian Beadles I loved more, he was so hot, funny, amazingly sweet and inspiring, it’s my dream to meet him one day. I snapped out of my daydream when I noticed Amy waving a piece of paper in front of my face, “Kelsey! Kelsey!?”

“Whaaaat?” I said taking out my earphones out, frowning at her and following the piece of paper with my eyes as she moved it.

“His number, he gave me his number so went we get to…the other side I can text him” She beamed.

“Ace” I smiled back.

*4 Hours Later (8hour flight)*

“Hello, its your captain speaking, I would like to thank you for flying with Thomas Cook today, and we will be landing in LA in 10 minutes, the temperature in LA is 30 degrees and there is a slight breeze. Hope you enjoyed your flight; the seatbelt light will switch on in 5 minutes. Thanks.” The captain spoke. My mouth was hanging open. Amy was laughing so hard at my face.

“WE’RE GOING TO LA!?” I squealed.

“HELL YEAH!” she shouted back. We both whisper-screamed if that’s even possible. I turned around in my seat, “Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! I love you both so much!” I told my Mum, and Grandma. They both laughed.

“It’s okay. Kels, we only did it because we knew you’d love it!” My mum smiled.

“And who knows, maybe you’ll meet some celebrities?” My grandma added. Then it hit me…CHRISTIAN BEADLES is in LA right now. Oh my gosh. He always tweets where he is. “Amy. Just so you know, I’m going to meet Christian Beadles while we’re here okay?” She rolled her eyes,

“Okay then…” I had the biggest smile stuck on my ever that the world has ever seen. I was so excited.

Ding! The seatbelt light went on and I slumped back down into my chair and clicked my belt in place as did Amy. She grabbed my hand with a worried look on her face, I gave her a questioning frown, and smoothed it out when I remembered she hated landing. I just squeezed her hand and smiled. 

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