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Alright so this is me being a lil bit of a faggot and not updating yet, so, sorry about that. But I need your help. Again, lol I suck. Anyway so I'm so ready to start this new fanfic, but I want to give people that actually read this (and enjoy it lolz) a chance to be a part of it. So, this is the information I need mofos:

- a name

- a Janoskian whom which you would like this story to be about (at this stage it's Luke)

- looks (although I might not go off this)

- country from which the main character should be from

- your twitter (if you have one) this is for my benefit only and if you're not okay with your twitter being on here, thats absolutely fine, I won't post it but otherwise I will add your twitter to the story.

Just message me, comment here, tweet, or dm me (@prinsasslukeb) or send in on ask.fm - http://ask.fm/prinsassluke

I would really love to incorporate you guys into this next story, so I'd love it if I got a couple entries!

Of course, I will continue this story whilst also writing the new one, just updating regularly on both.

Go for it, amigos.

~ Tee


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