Chapter Twelve: Levana and Evret

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Winter's house was only a five minute walk from the hotel, so they left Thorne's car behind – to his disappointment – when they left the next morning.

When the house came into view Cinder started running with Iko not far behind, a bag swinging from her hand and with her head spinning with desperate thoughts of finding Winter it wasn't long before Cinder found herself hopelessly slamming herself against the door.

It opened to her aunt Levana, with her uncle Evret peeping over her shoulder. Levana scowled.

"Cinder, aren't you meant to be at school?" Evret asked, squinting.

"We wanted to see Winter," Cinder and Iko said in unison as Evret laid his eyes on the rest of their group, raising an eyebrow. In response Cinder introduced them all.

They were invited in against Levana's will, and Evret offered them all drinks while Cinder scanned around for her cousin.

"Where's Winter?" Cinder asked when Evret had them all sat down with cokes and biscuits, seeming incredibly jittery. "Uncle Evret?"

He sat down next to her before speaking, "Cinder, you know about Winters... disorder," Evret started, his heel tapping up and down.

"What's that got to do with anything?" Thorne asked, clearly frustrated, and though Cinder wanted to reprimand Thorne for speaking against her uncle she couldn't bring herself to.

"It wasn't my idea okay," Evret said, putting his head in hands, but Cinder didn't understand why until Levana leaned over his shoulder and smirked

"We sent her to a hospital where they can cure her faults," she said, pushing away from the sofa after placing a kiss an Evret's cheek. After a moment of blank stares, Evret shook his head and spoke again.

"An Asylum, we sent her to an asylum."

Everyone was silent

Cinder started shaking.

She didn't realise she was in front of Levana until her fist was in her face and she was punching her, but Levana held strong, and soon there was arms pulling Cinder away. Iko was in front of her and Kai's hands were on her wrists, holding her back and then wrapping around her to hold her against him as she began to sob.

Someone was shouting but she didn't know who. All she could think about was what they'd done to her cousin. Winter. How could they do this to Winter! She was the sweetest girl anyone could ever meet and they sent her away! THEY SENT HER AWAY!

Cinder was screaming again and thrashing in Kai's arms until he had to let go, and with all her energy she rammed herself at Levana, who was knocked backward and fell against the kitchen counter, head slamming against the edge.

Evret screamed and then Thorne and Scarlet were holding Cinder back, pulling her out the front door and down the road where they let her go.

Cress collapsed as they stopped, and Thorne grabbed her before she hit the floor, sweeping up the girl who had rendered unconscious. Cinder fell to her knees and in moments Kai and Iko were beside her while Scarlet helped Thorne with Cress.

It took them a while to pick themselves back up and move on, and when they got back to the hotel they crammed themselves in the girls' room and ordered a Chinese.

No one spoke. They couldn't bare it.


A/N: This is both depressingly short and just downright depressing

And I was meant to update Saturday... but that obviously didn't happen

In better news I finally have stars above! Except I'm reading lady midnight which is going to take me forever since I'm busy and that book is MASSIVE!

And I'm meant to be doing physics homework right now and I HATE physics

Also I drew Scarlet and Wolf the other day... and it was terrible and never seeing the light of day

Well it was my first time drawing two full body people together, my first time drawing a man (thats a lie actually I realise as I read over this), and my first time drawing the side view of someone so I'm not surprised

Did you know I drew my profile picture myself and I'm totally bragging because I'm incredibly proud of that no matter how bad it is and yes I do compare myself to incredibly talented artists who are like 20 years older than me

Cuz I'm still a lil emotional child ;(

IT'S SCARLET!!! (aka my favourite female TLC character)

Whos everyone elses favourite characters? This is an extremely important question

I used to do this think on my storys where I wrote this long paragraph about commenting and voting but if only if you want to and I'm not pressuring you and now I'm like HATE ME!!!

Seriously though, give me hate comments they're so much fun! (and I'm not even being sarcastic there). Like just one person please tell me I need to shut the hell up and stp talking about myself so I can laugh as I ignore it because I have no self controll

literally none...

I feel like perhaps I'm unworthy of hate because hardly anyone hates on me, which is the wierdest analogy ever

Chances are I'm just not popular enough to get that kind of stuff and everyone who doesn't like my writing just leaves like they should

Yuh so anyway tell me what you think and komorebi!

Also what is goodbye in spanish? I feel like I should know this...

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