Chapter Eighteen: Makeover!

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Through the following day Cinder was dosed up on drugs she couldn't name and put through tests she couldn't pass. By the time the doctor left the room she was exhausted.

During the day Scarlet had come in to see her, and had told her that they were sitting in the hospitals waiting room with cookies and coming up with excuses as to why they wouldn't be in school on Monday which ranger in seriousness from being taken out for work experience to zombie apocalypse.

"I told Thorne it's not his problem, but he insisted on helping," Scarlet complained with a shrug. "At least he seems happy I guess."

"Can I see him?" Cinder said, "Thorne, he's not that bad is he." Scarlet left with a promise that they'd think of something and just minutes later Thorne was standing beside her bed.

"How's it going," Thorne said casually, flopping down on the bed next to her, and swinging his arm around her neck, the one with the hand in a cast.

"I could ask you the same," Cinder said, tapping the cast gently with her nail. "Iko told me what happened."

"You know me," he said, grinning "I'm tougher than a slab of porcelain." Cinder laughed and punched him, too tired to shove him away from her.

For a moment they sat there, laughter fading between them, the nurse glancing over to see what had caused the sudden silence.

"Why did you do it?" Cinder asked, "I know you're stupid, but I didn't think you were that stupid."

Unusually he didn't seem to have an answer, though he stuttered briefly over a few suggestions of a response. In the end he hung his head and sighed.

"I didn't mean..." Cinder started, but she didn't know what to say, instead she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed his shoulder. "Just don't do it again," she said, pulling back and leaning against the headboard.

"Only if you don't break down on me again," he promised and stood from the bed. "Get well soon Linh," he said. Why did it feel so much like a goodbye?


When both Cinder and Thorne were deemed fit to leave hospital they piled into the mini van and drove to the nearest town to find somewhere to eat. They came across a small Chinese place and sent Wolf and Scarlet away with their orders.

When they returned they found a park and sat down in the grass with their food, avoiding the glares of mothers with small children. It was obvious that some of them should be in school, but none of the parents said a thing as Iko did all she could to brighten the scene, but not even Thorne was in the mood to laugh.

"Well at least I'm trying," Iko grumbled when she finally realised her efforts were in vain. She knew everyone was shaken, especially Cress - though she hid it better than expected – but that didn't mean they needed to be so miserable.

"Look," she said eventually "this town is probably filled with clubs and bars, didn't you see how many drunks were in that hospital."

"Seriously Iko?" Scarlet cut in, shaking her head. She was half in Wolf's lap half laying on the grass, her red hair a curly tangle.

"What I mean is why don't we check one out, it could be fun!"

"We'd never get in," Cinder pointed out "at least, me and Cress wouldn't."

"Ohhh, I could give you a makeover! Then you'd both look old enough!"

"No." Cinder said as Cress flushed.

"I love how you think I look old enough even though we're the same age," Scarlet said.

"Shut up Scarlet," Iko snapped, holding up a hand, "you're not involved."

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