Chapter 1

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*Warning Unedited.*

I've been sitting here in the plain for the past 6 hours we still have 30 minutes to an hour to go. I'm really tired and honestly i cant feel my legs.

"Everyone please buckle your seat belts we are about to land, Thank You." Said the air pilot person over the speaker

"Are you guys excited?" My mom said in the seat behind me and my brother.

"No." I said.

"Yes!" Jake said.

"Hun promise to not be rude to your Dad's friend."

"Promised mom.."

After about 20 minutes we got to the airport. We went to get our suitcases. I heard British accents everywhere. Lots of cute guys.. Well guys with accents are adorable! My dad called his friend so he could tell them we have arrived. My dad told us that they had already arrived.

"Mark!" Yelled my dad when he saw his friend.

"Chris! How nice to see you again." He said while give my dad a 'Man' hug.

"I want you to meet my wife Johannah" The man i mean Mark said...

"Nice to meet you." She said shaking our hands.

"I want you to meet my Wife Rose, Son Jake and Daughter Stephanie."

"Nice too meet you all" he said shaking our hand. Us doing the same.

"Well shall we head to the car?" The lady or Johannah said. I really need to know their last names..

We got into a car that looked a bit like a limo. They even had their own driver. I thought my Parents said they had children.. I wonder where they are. We were driving for about 15 minutes. All i heard was my dad talking to his old collage friend. My mom talking to Johannah and i found out their last name. Tomlinson. Now i don't have to call them by their first name. My brother was listening to music. I was staring out the window. Everything looked beautiful. I got me more homesick then ever. We got to a drive way that i guess was to their house. That's when i noticed how big their house was. Mansion. It was a beautiful Mansion with a garden and fountain. I cant imagine how amazing it probably looks inside. I wasn't wrong. Everything was so luxuries. I was afraid to touch anything.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairwell. There were lots of them.

"Mommy! Daddy your back!" I heard a little girl's voice Then i saw there were 5 girls.

"These are my daughters Charlotte we like to call her Lottie who is14. Georgia is 13, Felicite or Fizzy is 12 and the twins Phoebe and Daisy are 8, We also have a son Louis he is 16 but i don't really know where he is." Mr.Tomlinson said.The girls shook our hand and they talk to me a bit. After a while they girls went to play in their rooms while Lottie just stayed inside texting.

"Lottie why don't you take Stephanie to your room?" Mrs. Tomlinson suggested.

"Great idea mom, Wanna come?" She said looking at me. I turned to look at my mom she nodded.

"Okay." I said simply. I followed her upstairs to her room. She had a truly nice looking room.

"So how old are you?" she asked

"15, you?"

"I'm 14, Hey me and my brother got invited to a party today and mom told us to invite you and your brother, Will you come?"

"Umm i'll have to ask my parents. Where is your brother anyways?"

"Oh he went out with his friends, He should be back soon." she said with a smile she seemed like a nice girl maybe we can be friends. I heard footsteps from below and heard voices of guys. I thought they only had one son? Hmm.

"Oh see that's probably him. I think its also his mates. Wanna meet them?" That explains. I don't know what to tell her, I wanna meet them but i don't wanna seem so interested.

"Sure.." I said

"Lets go downstairs!" she said unlocking her door and running downstairs.

"Louis!! Your back!" She yelled jumping on Louis. That's cute i wish me and Jake were like that.. Ha not happening.

"Well this is our son Louis, Also those are his Mates." Mr.Tomlinson.

"Nice to meet you." Louis said shaking my parents hands and my brother.

"This is My friend Chris and His wife Rose, Their son Jake, And their daughter Stephanie." He said. Then Louis turned around and faced me. He was gorgous. We somehow kept on staring at each other. His eyes were just so stunning.

"I'm Louis, You are Stephanie right?" i got interrupted from my thoughts. He smiled.

"Yea, Nice to meet you." I smiled back.

"Louis! You should show Jake and Stephanie to their rooms. Im sure they want to get in the shower so they can get ready for the party."

"Party?" Jake asked.

"Oh sorry hun, Louis and Lottie got invited to a party, I think it would be grate for you guys to go together." Mrs.Tomlinson said.

"Oh that would be great!" My mom said.

With that Louis Picked up my suitcase and Jake's and took it up stairs. Boy was he strong.His friend followed. I haven't seen their faces yet. Sadly.

"Well here's Jake's." Lottie exclaimed pointing at his room.

"Lottie show Jake how the shower works." Louis told Lottie, She obeyed.

"This your room love." He said Pointing to a room. I nodded and walked inside.

"Oh before i forget, These are my Mates Liam, Niall, Harry and Zayn" He said introducing to them. Wow so many introductions. These guys were Gorgeous like Louis too. They all were different kinds tho.

"Hey Love! I'm harry and here's my number." The curly haired one said smirking.

"Ignore him, He is always like that when he sees a cute girl. By the way I'm Liam" He made me blush.

"Nice too meet you two" I said still blushing.

"Im Niall, Have you tried Nando's?"

"Umm No i dont think so." I said He gasped.

"He loves too eat haha. I'm Zayn nice to meet you."

"Umm nice too meet all of you.."

"Okay guys stop freaking the beauty out. Haha meet me at my room okay?" Louis said.

"Sure" They all said at once.

"Sorry we all love meeting new people. Well we are going in about an 1 and a half.. Need me to show you how the shower works?" He asked

"No I'm fine Thanks." I said.

"Sure thing. See you in a bit." He said with a Adorable grin.

I think this is not going to turn out right, For some strange reason.

A/N Sorry if this is boring chapter I just needed to get all the introductions over with lol. and sorry if its short but remember the next update will be amazing and longer you cant miss it. Big things will be happening. You cant miss it. Thanks for reading guys Please comment, Vote. Follow. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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