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An: you have permission to kill me. Lol. Actually don't please... sorry it's taken so long to write a chapter of this story. Extreme writers block. Ughhh. But I think I'm over it.

Thank you Stormy_Jackson for coming up with the foals name :)


"Grand-pa-Looooookiiii!!!" Insistent mewls echoed in the God of Mischief's chamber. "Loki!!!!!"

'Do not subbcum to it.' The God thought trying to focus on the military reports.

"Lokilokilokilokilokiloki!" His eye twitched unceremoniously. A pawing sensation interupting his thoughts.

"LOKI!!!!" He couldn't ignore it anymore.

"What?!" He seethed but it quickly dissapeared at the sight of the twins.

"We're hungry, when's mommy gonna be back?" Astra asked with wide and pleading eyes. Her brother Egil doing the same.

Loki sighed, "She will be back shortly. She had to run an errand for me."

"Astra, you cry alot." Ase, the white kit, suddenly voiced her opinion from Loki's book shelf.

Only a few days ago did the kits start talking. Both Loki and Adara were estastic, but Loki would be lying if he said he didn't miss the silence. These kits were honestly, getting on his last nerve.

"Ase-" the jet black kitten was interupted.

"Asmund." The white kit glared playfully at the eldest. Sending a silent challenge his way.

"Go Asmund! Beat her up." Egil the older twin cheered suddenly.

Loki sighed, he was going to have gray hairs like Odin at this rate.

Quickly he rushed to the oldest siblings and yanked them up before they would hurt themselves and sat them on his lap before trying to resume his work.

During his few weeks with the kits, they discovered that Loki's words were law, however, with what little chance they did have, they'd question him at every turn. Secretly he knew they did it just for the fun of it but he chose to allow their 'fun'. However, Adara's words and decisions were final. No arguments or excuses were to be made.

It made Loki proud. He remembered seeing Adara as a trouble making kit as well, but here she was being a strong and loving mother.

Loki smiled at himself without realizing the destruction happening to his work place.


Adara ran through the palace halls, her padded feet making little to no sound. Her muscles rippled under her skin, emitting power with ever stride she took.

Guards jumped at the sight of her running form however she didn't stop. She was on a mission.


Adara's perspective

The protective envolope was mashed between my teeth. Making sure that it wouldn't fly away as I ran out of the palace.

Loki wanted me to deliver this to someone who lived at the edge of Asguards city. He didn't tell me who but showed me on a map where it would be.

I expelled air through my nose, digging my claws into the earth as I ran harder, losing myself to my inner animal for the first time in a long while.

3rd perspective

Loki held Einar protectively to his chest as he walked down the corridor with the other four following behind his heels.

It was amazing how fast these small creatures were growing but it slightly worried the God with how reclusive Einar was. He only hoped that the youngest kit of the litter was shy and that nothing else was wrong.

"Loki? Where we going today?" Ase asked.

"You are going to the gardens. Your mother said that if I couldn't watch over you, she insisted that I take you to Selphinr."

"Whaaa!" Astra exclaimed. "You mean the giant horse with eight legs?"

"What other horse do you thinks he's talking about?" Egil sassed.

"Oh Odin help me." Loki sighed under his breath at the scrawlbling twins.

Asmund who'd been trailing behind with Ase decided to pounce on Egil effectively breaking up the rough housing.

"Listen you fouls creatures, you are to behave for your mother while I'm away. No fighting, clawing or bitting." Loki glared, especially at the twins before resuming on his way.

As he entered the gardens where the stables were next to, the sounds of heavy thuds roared over the area.

All the kits darted to the God of Mischiefe and either, climbed up his back or hid themselves under his jacket.

Loki smirked as the massive beast presented itself, bowing it's head in respect. "Prince Loki, I assumed that Adara would be with you."

Loki smirked, "no. She is away on an errand and I need someone she trust to watch over her kits."

The horse snorted, pawing the ground. Suddenly a smaller version of the war horse trotted up to Loki.

"Skios. Show your respect." The small horse bowed like his father did and Loki placed all the kits on he ground, taking a step to the already massive foal.

"So you are to be my mount in the future." Loki mused, walking around the eight legged creature. "Tell me." Loki stopped, grabbing the horses snout. "Why do you want to be my horse?"

Skios, Selphinr's son, hesitated. He tried to pull his face away but the God of Mischiefe wouldn't allow it. Skios was forced to stare into those deep and haunting eyes.

"I would have no greater honor than to be your partner. Taking you into battle."

Loki frowned suddenly, "I do not need a warrior. Rather, I'd need someone who thinks before charging into battle. I already have that baffoon of a brother, so I do not need another."

Loki watched as Skios shifted his weight, gaze faltering before his head hung low. "Then what can I do to serve you?"

A long pause stretched. Long enough for the kittens to find their courage and dive into their curiosity.

"Hello." Ase greeted from in between Loki's feet.

"Hello." Skios returned the greeting.

Loki knew that the foal wasn't ready for war as of yet and judging by the way both creatures take intrest in each othet, Loki had an idea.

"Skios." The young battle horse raised his head quickly. "I have an important job for you. I need you to keep an eye on these kits. Make sure they don't wander off... alright?"

Skios bobbed his head in agreement, happy that he can be of help to someone.

Loki gave a glance to Selphinr, knowing that the father would be supervising.

The God of Mischief knelt to the ground before the five kits. "Alright. Behave while I'm gone." He reached to pet everyone of them effectionetly. "Your mother will get you soon." Loki got up to leave but he felt something latch onto his cloak.


The black kit released the fabric before gazing into the God's eyes. "Come home soon."

Loki smirked before walking away heading to the war room where arguments were waiting to be solved. He just hoped that Adara got his message there in time.

An: again sorry for the long delay and ohmygosh. What trouble are the kits going to get into now?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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