The 'concert'

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Salam :) hope you enjoy the chapter :) yeah it's only one chapter today as i wanted to keep a gap of suspense for my new readers ;) yup big twists are on their way! you too old readers get ready for that! ;)

"Tehreem I have to go, please don't do this", Hareem pleaded as tehreem had clutched her wrist tightly, she was trying to convince her to attend the concert with her today, but hareem was reluctant, she did not really want to attend it, and what a co-incindence it was that she had to take one of the make-up classes which lately could not be conducted due to some reasons, so she had to stay in the university much longer than before, and now when she was free, She had already informed mamma and baba jaan.  Tehreem was continuously emotionally black-mailing her to stay and attend the concert. Ayesha, ammara and noor had gone to their hostels to get ready for the big event.

"Ok fine, go if you want to, you never listen to me, you just have to do what pleases YOU", tehreem taunted disappointed, and let her hand free, with a jolt. Her words were piercing and fell like daggers on hareem's heart, she could not bear the heart-break of her dear friend, but at the same time she wanted to run away like wind, it was an awkward situation, she could not decide for a while what she must do now, she was really confused. She never listened to music, never attended parties or concerts, but this stupid girl in front of her was behaving like a stubborn child and she could not just crush her heart and go away.

She let out a sigh and leaned over to the face full of disappointment, "ok i'll stay", she said in a low voice, with a heavy heart.

tehreem's face lit up, she stood up from the chair and squeezed hareem into a tight hug,

 "but..!!", hareem tried to utter some words between the jolts of her tight hug, tehreem immediately separated, listening attentively to what she had to say, "only if you'll drop me home after it, and do not force me to stand in the crowd the whole time." tehreem nodded obediently, displayed big smile on her face again choking her with her hug, "O I love you hareem", hareem smiled too.

"you just see, how much we're gonna enjoy", tehreem's eyes glowed with excitement as both of  them went out of the cafeteria.


It was 6.30 and the sun was sliding from the blue horizons of the sky leaving gloomy darkness to envelop the whole world, slowly and gradually. The concert had been started with all the arrangements. A huge stage was built up in the vast ground of the university, in front of the psychology department, to where hareem had never went, as the university was too big and she had  time to wander and discover the hidden wonders of the university. Bright coloured lights, lit up the huge ground and made the farther silent trees to caste out their horrible shadows on the ground. The lights were sharp enough to make eyes squint, and they had the stage all flooded with light, this really was a big night. There was hustle and bustle all around, the university management was so busy right now, trying to settle people down, in the chairs that were  organized in front of the stage. People, roamed in the ground wearing all the sparkly and glittery coloured outfits. The girls  moved about delicately in high heels handling their precious garments and maintaining their pompous royalty.

Hareem, was still in her black hijab and a big shawl, she had been wearing the whole day, which made her pretty face glow naturally. The band had not yet shown up, instead the president of music society was on the stage holding the mike trying to settle people down, which wasn't really helping. Hareem went with tehreem to her hostel in the afternoon, as she had to get ready for the night, she insisted and offered hareem some of her outfits to wear, but hareem refused calmly, and now they were back here. Hareem was sitting on a chair far from the stage observing people passing by, while all four of the girls were busy taking selfies nearby.

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