Turning to Allah

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It should have scared him. It should have panicked him that someone was watching over him but the strange thing to happen was that he felt nothing like that. Instead he found it soothing and comforting. He wiped the tears instantly and got up.

He entered Rehan's room.

"Who gave you this?"

He asked Rehan impatiently. Rehan looked at him from the cup of tea and his lips curled into a smile. He placed the cup beside him and stood up.

"I'll tell you, but first I want to you make wudu (ablution)..." 

He held Zohaib by his shoulders and pushed him gently towards the bathroom. Zohaib was completely puzzled. What had the letter to do with wudu? he thought but he wanted his answers without any delay so he had no other choice than to do what he was asked to. After a few moments he came out wiping his face. Rehan went towards the right wall of his room and grabbed carefully something wrapped up in a velvet piece of clothe and sat on the couch motioning Zohaib to sit as well. Zohaib sat beside him with inquisitive gaze. Rehan took a deep breathe.

"What if I care about you? I try to help you in every problem you face and then I invite you to come to my place sometime but you refuse?"

Zohaib looked at him dumbfounded. What was he even talking about?

"What would I feel? Would I ever help you again?" He continued.

Zohaib could not simplify the things being discussed. He could only shake his head in response.

Rehan took the piece of paper from his hand and opened it to see.

"..And what if I tell you that someone loves you more than you could ever imagine, more than you could perceive? and more than you could have desired?"

Zohaib was listening to him with full concentration but was unable to interpret anything. Rehan turned the open page towards him.

"...And that he has been calling you again and again to turn yourself to him but you have refused every time...BUT he still loves you and cares for you!"

He looked up at him.

"Do you know what it is?"

Zohaib looked at the page Rehan was showing him.

"These are the verses of Quran." 

He could not blink his eyes and looked at the lines written on that paper.

"This is what your Lord has written to you Zohaib, I just extracted them from Quran. He is the one who watches over you even when you're asleep, even when no one is around you."

He sighed.

"I am no one to judge you Zohaib. You know better what you have done your whole life but have you ever thought that after all that you did to that innocent girl you could have been died...and if not that you could have been paralyzed, turned blind or anything else like that as a punishment for your sins. It would have been so easy to Allah to do anything to you but he didn't!"

He folded the paper again.

"We humans love to use our power by exercising it over others, but we forget that Allah can use his too, and His power is so much more than ours that we cannot withstand it, but He doesn't. He gives us chances to return to him, because he loves his creation. Isn't this love? That he brought you here, to a safe place so that you could start a new life? Isn't this love, that you are here instead of being in a jail cell or a court after what you did to that girl? Isn't this love, that he gave you the honor to serve these orphans by selling all your property and granted you a chance to repent instead of killing you and making you accountable before him already?"

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